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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 7 - N° 309 – April 28, 2013
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Roberto Teles Zanin: 

“Some extracts from the Bible are of extremely relevant and will always be up to date”

The author of the book Chave Perdida talks about the research he
has done in order to find Biblical references to reincarnation

Roberto Teles Zanin (photo), from Cássia, in Minas Gerais state, became a Spiritist in 1980. He is a volunteer Spiritist worker in Cássia and a researcher of the Bible. In this interview, he talks about his methods and his recently published book, A Chave Perdida (The Lost Key), which deals with the theme or reincarnation in the Bible: 

Where does your interest in the Bible come from? 

It began when I was a child and a Catholic, a friend of many young men studying for priesthood in the city of Franca, in São Paulo state. 

Why did you choose to research reincarnation? 

I thought this was an extremely relevant and fascinating theme. It is a theme that may bring a new perspective to inquisitive minds, answering many questions that have intrigued many people for so long. It is also the key to understand many other transcendental issues, changing for the better the prospects of those going through the long and beautiful pathway of life. 

What is the main difficulty in understanding the Bible? 

I believe that the good texts in the Bible provide several layers of understanding according to the cultural level or spiritual maturity of the reader. The true meaning of the messages in the more profound texts can be found usually more between the lines, in the allegories and images, than in their formal part. Those who have written or said things of more importance did it with sensibility, with their art, not so much with their words. That is one of the biggest difficulties, among so many. 

Is it possible to study such texts with accuracy? 

We need to develop the sensibility to understand spiritual matters, we need to develop moral maturity and look for the tools developed by others who are better prepared than me, morally, intellectually and technically. 

How did you select the material for your book on reincarnation? 

I bought all the books I could find on the subject, aiming to learn from all of them. Some of the authors gave me important clues to understand the issue, which encouraged me to learn more. Finally, I tried to sum it all up, writing about the aspects that drew my attention the most. We always learn more when we set out to write about something we have researched. I selected the issues that interested me the most. 

How was the book received? 

Better than I thought, the critic was very positive. But the book’s publication is very recent. I believe the theme will eventually get the attention it deserves and the book will make a bigger impact. 

Why are we, Spiritists, so distant from the study of the Old and the New Testaments? 

Most human beings are not avid readers. Most people reads only the basic, which is normally a few books from our times, with little time left for others, often seen as works of the past, out of date. The Bible in particular attracts very extreme views. Many see in the Bible the true word of God, despite the problems with translations and the diversity of its books and authors. Many others do not attach to it the value it deserves. 

What is your assessment of the research you carried out? 

During my studies, I came to the conclusion that some biblical texts are extremely relevant and will always be up to date, provided we understand them and assess them using the right keys. In other words, we need to get rid of the constraints that we, human beings, imposed on ourselves for fear of thinking freely in the dark ages of humankind. 

Is there anything else you would like to add? 

I would like to say that the author is the first reader of this little work and that I have worked a great deal with so many that collaborated in its making, that discussed the subject, that disagreed or agreed, that corrected or silenced. So, I thank God and all of those who got together so we could together give birth to yet another son, a son of the intellect. This is a son who will help change the perspective of humankind in the future.


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