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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 7 - N° 309 – April 28, 2013

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


A Special Dream


The mother opened the bedroom door and fondly called her son:

- Wake up, Alex! It's time to get up for school!

The boy opened his eyes, stretched his body out and smiled, feeling very happy. 

Alex was a good but lazy boy. Usually, when his mother woke him up him, he would be reluctant to get up, full of sloth. He would grumble and leave the bed only for not having any other way.

This day, in particular, was different. Even he was surprised of his good humor, his sense of well-being and contentment.

- Why is it that I woke up so happy? - he thought.

Suddenly, like a movie, he remembered with clarity the dream he had during the night.

Excited, he rose quickly, showered, got dressed and went to the kitchen where his mother waited with the breakfast ready.

- Congratulations, Alex! Today you were fast. Now, have your milk and eat your bread and butter. You have time to eat well.

With shining eyes, the child took the glass of milk and said:

- Mom, last night I had a very interesting dream!

- Really? And what did you dream about, dear?

- I was asleep and woke up. I got out of bed and walked across the room. I could not sleep but it was not yet time to get up; outside was very dark. So I went to my bed to get the book I was reading before I fell asleep. I got a fright! I saw myself sleeping in bed! - said the boy, full of astonishment.

The mother smiled, realizing what had happened.

- Very interesting indeed, Alex. Then what?

The boy thought for a moment and continued:

- Then, I noticed a light in the room and looked at where it came from. It was Grandma Angela and she smiled at me! ... She came over and gave me a hug saying, "Congratulations, my grandson. You've been a good boy so I came to take your for a ride. "

A little scared, I said:

- But, Grandma Angela, you are dead! ...

- Nobody dies, Alex. Life goes on. In the spiritual world we meet again with the loved ones who no longer live in the earthly world.

Then Grandma gave me her hand and we went "flying"! She took me to a very poor house where a girl cried. I asked Grandma why she was crying, and she told me that the girl was sick. Grandma asked me to comfort the girl. I approached her and put my hand on her little head, saying:
- Do not worry. Soon you will get better. Trust in Jesus.

The girl stopped crying and smiled more lively, then fell asleep. Then, Grandma took me to a beautiful place full of children where some were happy and others sad and tearful. Grandma explained:

- That girl you saw is still on Earth. Now we are in the Spirit World. These children died young and left their families on the planet. That is why they are crying. Talk to them.

I approached one of them, sat beside him and said words of comfort to him. Soon he stopped crying and smiled at me.

 - Isn't it wonderful, mom?

His mother, moved, agreed:

- Yes, my son. It's wonderful! And what else did Grandma tell you?

- That she is always with you, mom, and us, helping everyone. Except that we do not notice her presence.

Alex was silent as if thinking about something then he asked:

- Mom, I still do not understand how I saw "two" identical Alexes. One sleeping and the other awake! Would you believe it that I even pinched my arm to see if it was true? How can it be?

- Very simple, Alex. When you're asleep, your spirit is free. The body needs rest, but not the Spirit.

So it leaves and goes wherever it wants. You actually saw your spiritual body, because the Spirit itself is intelligence... it is light - the mother explained.

- Can it happen to anyone?

- Yes, but it will depend on the understanding that the person has about the existence of the spirit, and the spiritual life as it is. You should feel very happy, dear.

- Yes, I am, mom. I woke up in a good mood today as I haven't in a while. You mean I can do whatever I want at night? ...

- As you are just ten years old, you will surely be accompanied by a good spirit, what people call "guardian angel." As you grow up and increasingly learn, you will have more freedom of action.

- Got it. Then I will prepare myself to help people. I liked to help those children. I'll be a "guardian angel" when I grow up, like Grandma.

The mother smiled, hugging her son with love. She knew he was on the right track, full of good intentions, and thanked Jesus for the lessons he received that night.


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 01.04.2013.)


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