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Year 7 - N° 315 – June 9, 2013

Brasília, Distrito Federal (Brasil)

Eleni Frangatos P. Moreira - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br 


Jorge Hessen

Law of Evolution: Spirit and Matter

The Spiritist Doctrine states that there are two common elements in the Universe: "matter and Spirit, and above all God." (1) Emmanuel explains that “by means of the divine will, the cosmic matter was condensed in the universe, never-ending. The matter produced strength. The strength produced movement and originated the equilibrium of attraction, and attraction turned into love". (2) Thus, all dimensions of life are identified before the law of unity, established by the Creator, considering that in this Earth "all movements of material and spiritual evolution were processed, as still today they are processed, under the patronage of Jesus". (3)

The source of energy for all nuclei of planetary life is the sun. That's a fact! And "all beings receive the constant renewal of its radiations through the incessant rain of solar atoms". (4) Therefore, "the primitive molecular clusters obeyed the divine thought of those appointed by Christ to represent Him, at the time of the initial manifestations of life on Earth" (5) and at the "very beginning of the planetary organization, they found in protoplasm (6) the starting point for their activity director, considering it as an essential basis of all living cells of the terrestrial organism". (7)

Some accept that in inorganic beings everything is "blind", passive, fatal. That "evolution" never occurs, and there is nothing more than state changes in the intrinsic nature of the substance. They argue that the minerals do not have shape, while the "living beings" have a specific form. Gross beings present a simple chemical composition, while "living substance" is complex. Minerals do not have a life cycle (they do not begin and do not end) - their duration is unlimited. But I believe that, regarding the molecular attractions, though we do not identify manifestations of spirituality in them, such as the principle of intelligence, I am convinced that "the rudimentary phenomena of life - in their demonstrations of potential energy - are present in view of the evolution of matter in its infinite dimensional aspects" . Therefore, the "gross" matter is not sealed and evolves.

Albert Einstein, based on the Theory of Relativity, stated that matter and energy are two sides of the same coin. The matter is condensed energy, and energy is  a form of presentation of the matter. Endorsing this thesis, the Spirit Emmanuel, considering the radioactive process, identifies the "evolution" of the matter, because "it is in that continuous friction that the transformation processes of the chemical individualizations can be observed, converted into energy, movement, electricity, light, on the rise towards new evolving forms, in obedience to the laws that govern the universe." (8) Rigorously, the chemical individualizations have their route to obtain the first soul expressions, remembering that, in the formation of life in the plant and animal kingdom, we find mineral elements.

There are, obviously, some theoretical controversies regarding when the Intelligent Principle became individualized; if this occurred already from the mineral kingdom, or only from the vegetable kingdom. Some defend the first hypothesis, others support the second thesis. I stay with the first opinion, supported by Kardec, who explains that: "if you look at the series of beings, one finds that they form a chain with no solution of continuity, from the raw material to the smartest man". (9)

As for the individualization, this situation should not be confused with the "individual" creation of the Intelligent Principle, and it only refers to their state of particularization. The term, used in the Coding, means what the Being (principle) accumulated experiences, so that it could literally be identified as an individual, when compared to other beings. However, as for the "consciousness of self" (which is an advanced, more elaborate and improved stage of the individualization), it occurs only in the stage of the "hominal kingdom", since previously the intelligence remained dormant in the immediately preceding kingdoms. In this regard, Kardec says that "the soul of animals (...) retains its individuality, but as for the consciousness of self, no. Intelligent life remains in it in a latent state. "(10)

In the universe of organized life (organic being), the Vital Principle is known to be a special principle, still inapprehensible and yet not well defined by scholars. It is present in the living being, and it does not exist in the minerals. "It is a special state, one of the modifications of the Universal Cosmic Fluid, by means of which it becomes the principle of life." (11) The Vital Principle is one for all organic beings, but it is modified according to the species. It is the driving force of the organizational structure and "at the same time the agent that stimulates vital organs, their action [of the organs] maintains and develops the activity of the vital agent, much the same way as the friction produces heat." (12 ) It is important to consider that, despite being a differentiated matter, distinct, let us say material, such source does not invalidate the cellular matrix of the vital fluid, mainly due to its unique and intermediate role.

Does the vital principle form a third element
component of the Universe? 

As we said, Spirit and matter are two constituents of the Universe. Would the Vital Principle be a third one? No! Because it is one of the elements necessary to the constitution of the universe, but the Vital Principle itself has its source in the modified primordial matter. "It's an element, such as oxygen and hydrogen, which, however, are not primitive elements, although it all proceeds from the same principle." (13) Is vitality really a permanent attribute of the vital agent, or is it just developed by the work of the organs? Strictly speaking, this agent, without matter, is not life: "it takes the union of two elements to produce life. Therefore, it is inferred that "vitality is dormant, when the vital agent is not united to the body." (14)

For organic life to exist, there must be protoplasm, a component of cells, mostly formed by protein. In this Earth, organic life could only appear, because due to electrical discharges, methane, ammonia, water and hydrogen were joined in the atmosphere and formed the first amino acids. (15) They combined to form proteins, clustered in the coacervates (16) and which originated the cells. All cells have chromosomes and  ADN, which are not found in the minerals. The universal fluid, combined with the action of the intelligent element, is responsible for the cohesion and the gravitational qualities of the matter. Let us remember that intelligence is an essential attribute of the spirit (17), which, in turn, is the intelligent element of the universe, individualized, with its own morality, however acknowledging that "the intimate nature of the intelligent element, source of thought, and which completely escapes [current] investigation. "(18) 

The monad

There are those, who devote themselves to the study of the monad (19). According to some, the monad was brought from the spiritual plane to the physical plane, and passed through the strictest riddles of adaptation and selection, assimilating the multiple values ​​of the organization, reproduction, memory, instinct, sensitivity, perception and self-preservation, thus reaching reason, by using the pathways of the most complete and laboriously acquired intelligence. (20)

The main point of the thought of Leibniz is the  theory of monads. It is a Neo-Platonic concept, which has been taken over by Giordano Bruno, and was developed by Leibniz. The monads (unity in Greek) are final points moving in the vacuum. Leibniz designates as entelechy and monad, the substance taken as a thing in itself, bearing in itself its determination and purpose. For Leibniz, the monad means the simple, active, and indivisible substance, from which all beings are formed. According to the philosopher, all beings are formed by simple substances, amongst which reigns a pre-established harmony.

The Spirit Andre Luiz better clarifies us, when he states that the monad is the "Intelligent Principle in its earliest manifestations," i.e. the first stage of evolution of the living being "the sacred(holy) embryos of the first men." (21) Worked "in the course of millennia by the spiritual workers, who magnetize spiritual values ​​permuting them among themselves, under the action of the internal heat  and external cold, monads express themselves in the world through the filamentous network of protoplasm." (22) 

The ether 

Recalling the discussion of the principles (material and spiritual), commented here, ether is the term used to designate the substance that scientists believed existed in the universe. It has no mass, no volume and is undetectable, because it would not cause friction. Physicists, of the 19th century, were aware that the light had a wave nature, and therefore imagined that light would need a means to propagate itself (hence the ether). For the Spirit Emmanuel, ether is almost an abstraction, a sacred fluid of life, which can be found across the cosmos, an essential fluid of the universe, which is, in all directions, the vehicle of divine thought. 

Vital agent: cause or effect? 

Regarding the vital fluid, there is no consensus and neither is there an understanding among most spiritists. Is it a property of matter, an effect that occurs when the matter is in certain circumstances? Let us recall that the organic beings have in themselves an inner strength that produces the phenomenon of life, while this strength lasts. Kardec is the opinion that the vital fluid "is created by the metabolism of the body." (23) According to this view, the Vital Principle would be no more than a particular kind of electricity, called animal electricity, which is released during life by the action of the organs. The production of this animal electricity ceases at death, because the action of the organs is extinguished. However, as we saw above, the Spirits discuss the issue and point out that the Vital Principle is a transformation of the primordial matter of the Universe - the Universal Cosmic Fluid.

Intelligent principle and evolution 

Considering the evolution scale of intelligence, Leon Denis states that "intelligence is dormant in the plant. It dreams in the animal. And, only in man does it wake up, and becomes aware of itself, owns itself and becomes conscientious. From then onwards, progress, in some way fatal within the inferior forms of Nature, can only be achieved by the concordance of human will with the Eternal laws" (24) Moreover, the Doctrine explains that the different species of animals do not proceed intellectually from one another by means of progression. Regarding this topic, not everyone has a similar view about the relationship that exists between humans and animals. According to some, the Spirit only reaches the human period, when upon passing the different levels of Creation's inferior beings, it becomes elaborated and individualized. As per other opinions, the Spirit always belonged to the human race, without going through the animal experience. The first conclusion has the advantage of giving a purpose to the future of the animals, which would, therefore, be the first chain ring of the thinking beings. The second theory is more in accordance with man's dignity. (25)

"Therefore, the spirit of the oyster does not become successively fish, bird, quadruped and quadruman." (26) Each species is, physically and morally, an absolute type, and each of the individuals draws, from the universal source, the necessary amount  of the Intelligent Principle, according to the perfection of his organs and with the work he has to accomplish in the phenomena of Nature, amount which is returned to the original reservoir when he dies.

From the very first viruses and bacteria from the original protoplasm on Earth, the Intelligent Principle spent "millions of centuries, to be able - in the condition of a thinking being, but still in an embryonic stage of reason - to cast its first emissions of continuous thought into the Cosmic Spaces". (27) The souls of animals and man originate from the same Intelligent Principle, with the difference that man's soul developed, placing it above animal's soul, and this was accomplished during several existences prior to Humanity. (28)

"A theory that Spiritists strongly reject regards the transmigration of the soul of man to animals and vice versa." (29) Spiritists disagree among themselves as to the origins of the soul of man and animals, some believing that the Spirit of man always belonged to the human race, without going through the animal chain. According to this line of thought, each species would constitute, physically and morally, an absolute type, each drawing from the universal source the needed amount of the Intelligent Principle. (30)

However, we identified some doctrinal issues pointing to the thesis of the progressive development of the Intelligent Principle from the mineral kingdom, going through the plant and animal kingdoms. Finally, it becomes aware of itself as a Spirit, when it begins to incarnate only in the hominal kingdom, and continues its rise in the scale of intellectual and moral progress through successive incarnations, in order to achieve the maximum degree of relative perfection (only God has absolute perfection).

Among the organic species endowed with intelligence and thought, there is one that is equipped with a special moral sense that gives it an incontestable superiority over others: it is the human species. Then the vital fluid acts as an energy system that acts as an intermediary between the physical body and perisprit during reincarnation, and this is what gives vitality to matter.

When the Spirit incarnates in a human body, still in the process of formation, a fluid cord, which is nothing more than an expansion of its perisprit, connects to the embryo that is drawn by an irresistible force, from the moment of conception. As the embryo develops itself, the cord shortens. Under the influence of the embryo's vito-material principle, the perisprit, which has certain properties of matter, joins, molecule by molecule, the body being formed. This is why one can say that the Spirit, through its perisprit, roots itself on the embryo, acting like a plant on soil. When the embryo reaches its full development, the union is complete. This is when the being is born for the outside life. "Due to an opposite action, the union of the perisprit and the carnal matter, which took place under the influence of the embryo's Vital Principle,  ceases provided that the mentioned principle stops operating due to a disorganization of the body. Since it was maintained by an active force, such union falls apart, as soon as this force ceases to act. Then, the perisprit releases itself, molecule by molecule, in the same way it was joined before, and the Spirit becomes free. Therefore, it is not the departure of the Spirit that causes the body to die, but it is the death of the body that determines the departure of the Spirit." (31) 


The Spiritual Principle lived throughout all kingdoms since its creation even because it is one of its constituents and fundamental elements. However, it became an individual after becoming aware of the laws of creation, and how they operate, including attraction, cohesion and others that apply to primary kingdoms, including the mineral kingdom.
In theory, we should not talk about which of the two (Intelligent Principle or Material Principle) was created first. Philosophically speaking, for some, "if the Intelligent Principle was created perfect, and, therefore, it has to act in the Matter, it appears that it was created as an individual to act (immediately) in the first reign of nature [matter par excellence], and from then onwards, gain experiences, which would make it identifiable in the future. "(32)

Progress is the law of nature. All animate and inanimate beings were submitted to this law, due to the goodness of God, Who wants everything to be great and prosper. According to Allan Kardec, "everything is linked together in nature, from the primitive atom to the archangel, because he himself was originated from the atom. Admirable law of harmony, which your limited spirit cannot yet cover the whole". (33)

Therefore, the duality theory is generally accepted - "both by incarnated authors and also by the elite Spirits, transmitting their knowledge through mediums: Spiritual element/Material element, simultaneously created by God. The Spiritual Element, from its earliest manifestations, always builds on experiences accumulated in its way to the state of Spirit, never regressing, while the matter - created for the manifestation of the Spiritual Element, which directs it - due to its own nature is subject to changes, which include, within the three kingdoms, the birth, growth, decrepitude an death with the consequent destruction (thus understood as a return to the constituent elements), to give rise to new forms expressed by the Spirit in its path towards Perfection". (34)  


Bibliographic references: 

(1) Kardec, Allan. The Book of the Spirits, Rio de Janeiro: Ed. FEB (Brazilian Spiritist Federation), 2000, Issue 27

(2) Xavier, Francisco Candido. The Consolator, dictated by the Spirit Emmanuel, Rio de Janeiro: Ed. FEB , issue 21

(3) Ibid, issue 265

(4) Ibid, issue 10

(5) Ibid, issue 12

(6) Any substance, or mixture of substances, in which life manifests with its characteristics: metabolism, reproduction and irritability.

(7) Xavier, Francisco Candido. The Consolator, dictated by the Spirit Emmanuel, Rio de Janeiro: Ed. FEB , issue 6

(8) Ibid, issue   9

(9) Kardec, Allan. The Book of the Spirits, Rio de Janeiro: Ed. FEB , 2000, Introduction, section XVII

(10) Ibid, issue 607

(11) Ibid, issue 598

(12) Kardec, Allan. The Genesis, Rio de Janeiro: Ed. FEB , 2001

(13) Ibid

(14) Kardec, Allan. The Book of Spirits, Rio de Janeiro: Ed. FEB , 2000, Issue  64

(15) Amino acid is an organic molecule consisting of atoms of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen joined in a characteristic manner. Some amino acids may also contain sulfur.

(16) Coacervate is a cluster of protein molecules surrounded by water molecules, in its most complex form. These molecules were involved by the water due to the potential ionization present in some of its parts. Therefore, it is believed that the origin of coacervates (and thus of life) has taken place in the sea.

(17) Kardec, Allan. The Book of Spirits, Rio de Janeiro: Ed. FEB , 2000, Issue  24

(18) Allan Kardec, The Spiritist Magazine, year: 1866 pages 78 and 79. Editor EDICEL

(19) Being formed by the union of the intelligent principle and its mental body, imperishable, members and inseparable from each other, whatever the world it lives in and the degree of evolution in which it is.

(20) Xavier, Francisco Candido and Vieira Waldo.  Evolution in Two Worlds, dictated by the Spirit, Andre Luiz chapter III , Rio de Janeiro: Editor FEB , 1977

(21) Ibid

(22) Xavier, Francisco Candido. The Consolator, dictated by the Spirit Emmanuel, Rio de Janeiro: Ed. FEB , issue 20

(23) Kardec, Allan. The Genesis, Rio de Janeiro: Ed. FEB , 2001

(24) DENIS, Leon. The problem of Being, the Fate and Pain, Rio de Janeiro: 21st ed. Ed.  FEB , , 1999, pages 122/123

(25) Kardec, Allan. The Book of Spirits, Rio de Janeiro: Ed. FEB , 2000, Issue 613

(26) Ibid, issue  613

(27) Xavier, Francisco Candido and Vieira Waldo.  Evolution in Two Worlds, dictated by the Spirit Andre Luiz chapter III , Rio de Janeiro: Editor FEB , 1977.

(28) Kardec, Allan. The Book of Spirits, Rio de Janeiro: Ed. FEB , 2000, Issues 606/607

(29) Ibid, issue 613, Comments

(30) Ibid, issue 222

(31) Kardec, Allan. The Genesis, Rio de Janeiro: Ed. FEB , 2001

(32) Kardec, Allan. The Gospel According to Spiritism, Rio de Janeiro: Ed. FEB , 2000, Chapter III, section 19, Progression of the Worlds, Saint Augustine - Spirit - 1864

(33) Kardec, Allan. The Book of Spirits, Rio de Janeiro: Ed. FEB , 2000, Note of Kardec to issue 540, and RE, July, 1860, page 226, 2nd paragraph, section 8.

(34) Ac. to Joel Matias , article “Considerations about the Material Principle and the Intelligent Principle” Published in the Bulletin GEAE, Number 440, dated July 2, 2002


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