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Year 7 - N° 350 – February 16, 2014

Juiz de Fora, MG (Brasil)

Renata Rinaldini - renatarinaldini@hotmail.com


Guaraci de Lima Silveira

The being, the space and time 

René Descartes, French philosopher of the eighteenth century, who became known for Cartesian method  which shows us four steps to effectively reach a conclusion on any subject. The thinker tells us we must always analyse, verify, synthesize and enumerate all the possibilities of the object under study. This is very rational and very far from those times when a blind belief was imposed on us without any opportunity to contest it for we would be under the penalty of being classed as heretics which always ended in torture and violent deaths that discredited the individuality created by God. This encourages us to seek calmly a deeper insight about life and the human being. Life is made up from the will of God that creates the spaces and times that best suit the needs of his children in their various evolutionary stages. Everyone knows that the Earth is a planet that revolves around the sun that warms, enlightens and sustains us. This planet has its own aggregations which are governed within the gravitation laws that govern their movements. Earth was built in order to, along with other planets in this system, to suit and to attend the needs of the varied communities and the human community on it.

So far the great part of humans lived ignorant to this reality. Concerned about the survival, they saw the days going by, the nights come by and geological convulsions taking place, changing environments, and later on, always analysing the seismic effects without, however, seeking a spiritual explanation for the case. A large portion of humanity has only transcended themselves to a purely horizontal line. When Thomas Morus conceived Utopia, still in the Middle Ages, he was sketching a time where everyone in the future could be in the world enriching it with their own presences. We believe as Léon Denis did that the purely Christian socialism will have to impose itself on future societies, placing each one in their place as great social contributor and happy students growing with knowledge that liberates. 

There are those who thinks that it is just enough studying and collecting titles - On observing history in its whole (including science and philosophy) we note that throughout the eras lonely individuals, great masters, grandiose hearts were here. Voices that clamoured in the human desert, to warn, to compose, to make available, to associate, to dissociate the values that govern the human evolution. During the cycles that went on we were all taken by them. There is a predetermined time by God for each step of our learning processes. There are those who think that it is enough just studying and collecting titles. There are those who think that it is enough just labouring tirelessly offering ones’ hand of labour, specialized or not, but a hand that makes. This was fine until now. However, the new time arises that requires new perspectives. Good and new inventions from each of us. We know that any social essence needs the tripod where the institution, its members and beneficiaries need to be in unison under the penalty of projects to fail or meet their goals precariously.

Here are two cases that call our attention too. These are health and education, according to many, poorly practiced in Brazil. Let’s not go to the merits but we move to the analysis: for a statement which we call "health." For health we must unite institutions to therapists, technicians and administrative bodies, and also patients, as without unity amongst them, surely that the system is flawed.

Ours is the time, yes , the time of transformations – It is not enough just to create health centres and train therapists and open doors to patients . It is necessary that all join together, become suited and fit in the main proposal of a health project. Institutions, managers, their social and Christian responsibilities. To therapists, identical needs allied to competence, continuous studies, ethics and solidarity towards those who can not afford health insurance and are considered in need of urgent assistance and needs. To patients, the position of becoming doctors of themselves, as only then ultimate cure materializes according to Calderaro, tutor of Andre Luiz in the book In the Greater World.  Almost always what one sees is a transfer of guilt and responsibility that will not help anyone. Unfortunately, it is what goes on in this world which ends up hindering the process. Institution, clinical and administrative bodies and patients need an ethical agreement that makes everyone happy and which promotes social welfare.

The same reasoning can be seen in the case of education. Again: institutions, technicians and administrative bodies and learners need to be attuned to the art of teaching and learning. Otherwise, time will go by and knowledge will be left around the walls of the classrooms. Could it really be that all these sectors are fully engaged in the art of education? Is a student, a teacher or school administrator, in fact, glorifying the every day act of going to the institution and participate in it with praise in that space and time that is given them here?

It is here that we justify our initial idea that the times have come when we must all participate in life by offering the best of us.  This is the time of changes. The planet, life, the proposals set forth by God is all doing their part, and what about us, what are we doing? Are we waiting patiently or unexpectedly for spaces to be transformed, that time passes and take us generously to somewhere we don’t know,  caring for us in this ongoing process of succession that offer us more resources to our glimpse of blue horizons time?

The sun of each day brings us new proposals -The Being and Life. The spaces and times. Ourselves in these contexts. How are we? How is our health? How is our education process? The time for everyone has come. The world is a great school, a great space interconnected in all latitudes. Excuses such as: "I did not know" or "oh if I knew” won’t count. Spiritist doctrine is great beacon in the fog, kind guide these scarps, vigorous retaining prop stick in these rocky roads. The Gospel of Jesus is the insigne guide of consciences that need to be increasingly awakened to, according to Descartes, analyse, verify, synthesize and enumerate all possibilities in order to conclude rightly. How am I taking care of my presence on the planet? I am firm in my position as observer of every detail, looking at what happens around, drawing useful conclusions about my life and my progress? Do I still take pleasure with the opium that sends me to sleep while the caravans go by and leave me behind? Do I still take part in the ephemeral joys of carnal pleasures while the soul longs for advances in the immortal planes beyond? Who am I in this picture, in this texture that life built so that in it I would parade as a winner, dominating with gallantry the spaces and glorifying the times? What about my hatreds, resentments and hurts....What about my dizzy desire for money and power that will stay here watching my coffin towards the grave? And my arrogance, my unfortunate uproar in unending sleepless nights when I'm young or think I am the world and the world is only mine? Who am I? I ask myself. The sun of each day brings us new proposals. Here I am like an old man trying to find out.

The spiritual reconstruction requires urgent attention - When Francis of Assisi mediumistically heard Jesus' command to rebuild his church, the noble spirit from Umbria understood in principle that he should physically rebuild the little church of San Damian. Now, Jesus invites us all the time to rebuild our intimate churches. Church means assembly of the elect, as translated from the Greek. We were elected by God since He created us. The spiritual rebuilding after so many unhappy searches needs urgent attention from us. It's very easy and common to congratulate with our friends and affections the festive moments. The hard part is to congratulate with God every moment we live, and live in Him, move in Him and exist  in Him as the biblical message recorded in Acts, chapter seventeen, twenty-eighth verse. For what reason don’t we want to understand this?

It's much easier to eat and drink, to dress up and to sleep, to procreate and to work everyday to assume the posture of many of those who came here to encourage humanity in its growth. Were they saints? We do not know for sure, though many have been canonized. But if they were, for what reason we have not become holy and have not positioned ourselves as a sentinel in any post to help everyone at all, flattening misplaced passions, putting water on fires, teaching, learning, building temples of pure wisdom?

The invitation is for everyone. The table is set for saints and publicans, Pharisees and Sadducees, whites, African descent, Indians, various ethnicities. Years from now when the planet is renewed, we shall look at this strange time, and certainly we will destroy many videos, magazines, newspapers and books that tell our misfortunes of now with paid in error jingoism. Shame will only not assail us because we will be in another incarnation and with the blessing of the temporary oblivion. But, you see, that only those who awake now and walk now while there is time. "While there is light." Those who definitely do not accept the proposals of Jesus with certainty will be moved to other worlds.

It is time to reflect, to build our next abode - Many of those who behave as social pariahs now, who draw their weapons and frighten the peaceful part of society, shall go to worlds where the atrocious wars still happen it and will feel fish out of water. This is because the societies of those worlds are unaware of the ethical and moral progress of societies on Earth. They cry out desperately, frightened. Bullies here will feel like little partridges to plead mercy before the claws of the mighty primates who rightly need to format the ego. Our useless beauties will feel like fragile butterflies flying over marshes, running here and there rather fearful of predators. All very fair to the primitive worlds, but our societies are moving towards regeneration world where the good predominates and where people fraternise, exchanging values, enriching each other by them.

It is time to reflect. It is time to build our next home. To where we want to go here in some time: days, months, years, hours ...We do not know when death(discarnation) will call us to give accounts. It is necessary for us to become useful, sociable, because only then life will forward us to the Gardens of Eden which are to be erected in the world. But it is not going to be paradisiacal resorts where the locals will exchange God for an apple offered by the serpent. It will be the other things to be explored every inch because that in everything there is divine wisdom expressing itself. . If Esau traded the birthright for a plate of lentils and there was another unwary who traded the Gospel of Jesus for a plate of mussels. Both mussels and lentils, feed the physical body which will not survive. And the soul, how can we feed it, being the immortal part we carry?

We are incarnate beings and we come from remote eras – It is fair to carry out these reflections, after all we are here to learn to pray, to meditate and to work according to writer Martins Peralva. Let’s enter into the bath that God has prepared for each one of us and let's wash while you can, because the groom can arrive at any time and, if we are careless brides, we could end up not being led by Him, as well as explained in the parable of the ten virgins. They were virgins, but five of them faltered. In which starting position do I intend to be when the groom (Jesus) resurface sovereign in our souls? As the vacillating virgin or as the careful virgins?

It is worth to stop the mad train of thoughts that go on speedily in our minds. They arise and drag us without let us choose if me must really go or stay. Let’s take more care of these thoughts, or better yet, let’ s take care o four feelings, as it is from them that our thoughts arise. Let’s us be understanding once for all and intensely live the really that we are reincarnated beings and we come from remote eras.  Love a lot but free the loved on e. If you think her or him is the air you breathe, take care of yourself, because this is just a threat and never true love. Legitimate love starts from the assumption that I am myself and you are yourself and together we form a pair who can walk the virtuous road of spiritual constructions. Love your parents, your brothers, your work, your life, for only then you will, in fact, becoming useful to yourself and to creation. . And creation needs you, especially your good examples. José Herculano Pires in his book Existential Conception of God, in the chapter entitled God in Man, tells us that we have in our human consciousness three fundamental principles in our manifestations in social terms: "the idea of God in man, man’s longing for transcendence and the natural desire of good."May we put ourselves abreast of this information and multiply these principles within ourselves. It is a starting point.  And the arrival? Well, only God can tell us when we present ourselves to Him, in some future time; mature, wise and virtuous, having fulfilled our steps and ready for Him.


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