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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 7 - N° 351 – February 23, 2014

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


School Party


The teacher gathered the students and announced that the school in a few days would have its fiftieth anniversary and they would throw a big party. To do so, they requested the collaboration of the students to do the decorations.

Everyone loved the idea and agreed to cooperate.

So the next day the teacher brought in the materials that would be used to decorate the great hall. Then, she divided the class in teams and chose a leader for each of them, giving them different tasks and explaining how they should do them.

Mark, the head of one of the teams, would have five classmates  working  with  him.  Aline,  one  of the girls and a

troublemaker, did not accept to cut paper strips to decorate the hall. Mark patiently explained:

- Aline, I did not choose the task. It was the teacher who distributed the tasks!

- Well, I do not agree and do not want to do it!

- Then go talk to the teacher - Mark replied.

The girl stomped off angrily. When she got to teacher, she started complaining immediately:

- Teacher Amelia, Mark wants to make me do what I do not want and do not like!

Gently, the teacher explained that each team had a different activity and it was her team's task to adorn the walls. As Aline continued complaining about the task, the teacher sent her to another team.

Aline was now in Marcia's team, who explained what they were doing:

- We are cutting cardstock to make the invitations for the party. You have to measure the cardstock and then cut it. That's it. It's easy!

- What a horror! I hate to measure paper and cutting it I
think it's even worse! Isn't there another task for me?  

- I'm sorry - Marcia said - that is the task of this team.
Aline again complained to the teacher, who sent her to another team, where they were painting posters to adorn the walls of the hall. Her reaction was swift:

- But I can't paint!

Full of patience, the teacher sent her to another team, and another and then yet another. The time came when the teacher told her:

- Aline, I know why you got a problem adapting to the teams.

- And why, teacher?

- Laziness. Unwillingness to work!

The girl blushed and hung her head in shame.

- It isn't so, teacher. It's just that I'm not comfortable doing these tasks. Give me another chance! I promise I'll do it without complaining.

The teacher thought for a moment and agreed:

- Okay. I think I found the right job for you.

- Good! Finally!...

The teacher called her into a corner, took a broom, a bucket, and a shovel and put everything in her hands:

- Here they are, Aline. I believe now you will be able to work. The only thing you have got to do is sweep the paper scraps that fall on the floor and put them in the trash.

- But... sweep the floor, teacher?

- Yes! There is nothing shameful about it. I'm just ahead of that task. After finishing the activities, all students would collect the scraps from the floor to leave the hall clean. However, as you are not doing anything, you can start to collect them from the floor. Thus, all tasks will finish at the same time!

Very embarrassed, Aline took the shovel, bucket, and broom and started sweeping the floor.

When the activities were finished, the other students, smiling and excited, even helped her finish cleaning. Aline thought they were helping to rub it in that they were more capable than her but her classmates showed no ill intent: they smiled good-humoredly, playing with each other, happy, and talked with her, leaving her at ease.

Right then, Aline understood that work is a divine blessing that brings people together, creating good relationships and generating welfare.

At the end of the task, Aline approached the teacher and said:

- Teacher Amelia, I understood the lesson. Thank you for the opportunity to help. Any other time, you can count on me for anything.

On the day of the party, the students' excitement and contentment was general as they received guests and city officials. And Aline, among her friends, was also pleased to have collaborated so that everything was nice and neat.



(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 13/01/2014.)



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