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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 7 - N° 355 – March 23, 2014
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


The spirit therapy, a health service allied

There is in the midst spirit a certain consensus on the idea that the Spirit Center covers - or should cover – at the same time the characteristics of Temple, Household, Hospital, Manufacture and School. We have already referred to it earlier in this same space.

Indeed, the examples we have got from life and work of the pioneers of Spiritism - Bezerra, Barsanulfo, Schutel and many others – it should serve us as guidance in this and many other subjects.

Here's what Richard Simonetti, referring to the Spirit Center, wrote:

1 – What is the Spirit Center?

It is the place where people congregate to deal with issues related to the Doctrine.

2 – Why “center”?

As it often occurs at Portuguese Language, that word has many meanings. According to the Doctrine, it can be considered a synonym of society, more suitable expression that is frequently used to the denomination of spirit doctrine institutions. More exactly would be association once that according to the new civil code, the expression society should be destined to commercial companies.

3 – How can it be defined the activities of the Spirit Center?

There are many which people have access as soon as they join it. At first the Spirit Center has been the major part to ones who arrive at a hospital to treat the evils of body and soul.

4 – What resources mobilize in that “Hospital”?

It involves magnetic passes, fraternal interviews, vibration work, disobession meetings... It takes in count, however, that those resources are superficial. Take care of effects, involving the sight that people have of and their way of living. To have a longer effect is necessary to interested people to pursue a second stage.

5 – What would it be?

The school, where they will attend Spiritism courses to an objective view of the whys of existence and especially the origins of their health problems. The disease is always a mirror of the soul, showing us that something is wrong in our conceptions of life, our way of life. The Spiritist learning provides us with this understanding.

6 – Do people seek for help and learn what is necessary to help themselves?

This is elementary in Spiritism. There is no punctuated destination, where things happen because it is written. We live in a system of cause and effect that permanently we reap what we sow, involving close or remote causes from today, yesterday, last year, the previous lives... If we want our future to be different, we must change our present, seeking a compatible evangelical moral behavior, which summarizes what God expects from us.

7 – Hospital and school. Something else?

In a third stage, the Spiritual Center is blessed workshop where the commitment to serve, neutralizes the great evil of our personality - selfishness. It is from the behavior geared solely for personal interests which is revealed recklessness, dishonesty, addiction, aggression, and everything else that binds us.

8 – And the communion with God? Does not the Spirit Center work as well as a divine temple?

Temple is the Universe, the house of God. We live in it. The Spirit Center is the school/workshop that allows us, with the initiatives suggests, a vibratory pattern that provide us communion with the heavenly Father. This renewal program is beautifully defined by Léon Denis, proclaiming: Tends by temple the Universe; by image, God; by law, the Charity; by altar, Consciousness. (Pingafogo - The Spirit Center - http://www.richardsimonetti.com.br/pingafogo/exibir/27 /.)

It was with no surprise that we read the news on March 11 by Diário da Saúde, based on information of USP Agency News; according to it Spiritists Centers have attended more than huge hospitals in São Paulo city. (The issue can be read clicking at this link:  http://www.diariodasaude.com.br/news.php?article=centros-espiritas-atendem-mais-grandes-hospitais&id=9573%2011/03/2014 /.)

Figures for the provided service in 55 spiritual centers of São Paulo indicate that together the spiritual services reach about 15 thousand per week, 60,000 per month. "This number is much higher than monthly care hospitals such as Santa Casa, which serves about 30,000 people or the Hospital das Clinicas, with about 20 thousand cases" says the psychiatrist Homero Pinto Vallada Filho, professor in the Department of Psychiatry, USP Medicine University. The average reported of weekly attendance at each institution was 261 people.

Dr. Homero Pinto Vallada Filho was the supervisor of the study, which was conducted by the doctor Alessandra Lamas Granero Lucchetti. "We know, through many studies that deal with the theme religiosity or spirituality has a very positive effect on the health of many patients. Therefore we can consider the religious or spiritual complementary therapy as an allied in health services", said Dr. Homero.

In the survey, there were only spiritual centers that follow the guidance of the works of Allan Kardec. Among the results, it was observed that most centers are already established and are over 25 years of existence, being the oldest operating for 94 years and the youngest 2 years. In almost all, users are instructed to continue with conventional medical treatment if they are doing some, or even with the medications given by doctors.

The main reasons for seeking the center were health problems: depression (45.1 %), cancer (43.1 %) and diseases in general (33.3 %). It was also reported chemical dependency, substances abuse, problems with relationship. Among the treatments done, the more practiced was disobession (92.7 %) and the least frequent was the spiritual surgery (5.5 %), and all without the use of cuts.

Before news like that, there are in spiritist midst those who mourn. But there are those who look optimistically into the thinking of Dr. Homero Pinto Vallada Filho. Who recognizes the religious or spirit therapy as complementary, an allied in health service. The direction of this magazine joins this stream of ideas.

(1) Read about the subject in the issue Among those called to Spiritism many have gone astray. Link: http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano5/223/editorial_ingles.html



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