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Year 8 - N° 364 – May 25, 2014

Goiânia, Goiás (Brasil)

Eleni Frangatos P. Moreira - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br 


Gebaldo José de Sousa

Natural Somnambulism in mediunic sessions

Part 1

"The psychic task with Jesus, clarifying the unhappy Spirits, is one of the most ennobled commitments with which the Doctrine enriches the evolutionary process." Joanna de Angelis/Divaldo - Stories told by the Spirits1, page 15.

Mediunic sessions with the presence of somnambulists are more productive when leaders and other members have studied this specific capacity - valuable in helping the suffering Spirits dealing with vendettas or those who persecute Christ's followers. We experienced natural somnambulism. Therefore, we will now discuss it.

Let us see:

1 - In The Book of Spirits2 - see questions 425 to 455:

"The natural somnambulism phenomena occur spontaneously and are independent of any known external cause. However, in certain people, endowed with a special organic structure, these phenomena can be caused artificially by the action of a magnetic agent. The so called magnetic somnambulism only differs from the natural somnambulism because one is caused, while the other is spontaneous." (Question 455).

In the state of somnambulism, the soul's independence is more absolute than during sleep. In this state, the soul has perceptions, which it does not have when dreaming. (Question 425) (abstract).

2 - In The Book of Mediums3 - see paragraphs 172 to 174 (Very important, but very long for full transcription).

At the end of item 173, Kardec concludes: "(...) When he was alone, he was only a somnambulist; but when assisted by the one he called his angel doctor, than he was a somnambulist medium." (Italics are ours). 

Difficulties in using somnambulists  

3 - In the Domain of Mediumship4 (Read Chapters 3, 8 and 11):

Andre Luiz indicates that there are problems in using somnambulists when they are still not sufficiently familiar with the spiritual unfolding. However, Aulus mentions Antonio Castro: "However, he will be a valuable aid in our studies."

Important: Antonio Castro is a somnambulist, but also acts as a medium "when he becomes an intermediate to demented or suffering entities (...)" (Chapter 3, page 30).

{The mentor again refers to this medium in Chapter 11 (Spiritual unfolding in service), page 103: "(...) Castro (...) will be trained to provide valuable assistance to the sick in any position."} 

In the same Chapter 3, pages 30 and 31, he refers to "(...) our sister Celina. (...) Clairvoyance and clairaudience, the somnambulistic trance, and personality unfolding are states in which she enters, with the same spontaneity as when she breaths, keeping a notion of her responsibilities and, therefore, being a valuable collaborator to our achievements."

In Chapter 8 (Somnambulistic Psychophony) at page 72, Aulus tells Andre Luiz, who was concerned about the fact of being her to assist the violent farmer:

"(...) And, it is understood that the one who is to help is the one who is more qualified to do so. Therefore, our sister Celina is the ideal companion to assist us at this time."

"The medium broke away from the physical body, as someone who indulged in deep sleep (...)." 

What can produce pure somnambulism  

"Celina is a perfect somnambulist. In her case, psycho phony occurs without needing to connect the nervous current of her psychic brain to the mind of the host who occupies it. Her spontaneity is so great when transferring her resources to the entities in need of help and care, that she has no difficulty to turn off from the sensory field automatically, and temporarily losing contact with the motor centers of her brain life. Her psychic condition is then of extreme passivity." (Page 74)

"(...) Pure somnambulism, when misused, can produce beautiful phenomena, but then it is less useful in the construction of spiritual wellness. The unconscious psycho phony, in those who do not have enough moral merits for their own defense, can lead to possession, always harmful and, therefore, this is why it is only full evidenced in the obsessed who surrendered to vampirizing forces." (Pages 75 and 76)

We selected the following from this work:

- Clementino applied - to the medium Castro - "(...) long circular passes." "(...) who slowly fell asleep (...)" (Page 97)

- "The Spiritual director of the house (Clementino) submitted the mediator to a delicate magnetic intervention (...)" He does not mention any participation of Raul Silva (embodied leader present at the session) in the process of magnetization of the medium Castro. (Page 98) [We arrive to the conclusion that in natural somnambulism, the medium enters and leaves the trance at the initiative of the spiritual mentors. This is the essential feature of this phenomenon.] 

The medium shall not be touched when in trance

- Before the 'trip', they put a helmet on him. (Page 101)

- Raul (an embodied leader), by praying, raised the vibratory pattern of the session. (Page 102)

- He sometimes acts as a somnambulist, with psychic manifestations (He, in a spiritual unfolding condition, thanks for the prayers, dialogues with Oliveira, recently disembodied and a former member of the sessions, whom he met on this 'trip'), and sometimes he acts as a medium of his friend, which, using the somnambulistic psychophony, welcomes the members of the session.

4 - Practical somnambulism (Eliane Crespo - somnambulist psychic):

"Only the magnetizer should stay in contact with the medium." (Page 78)

The medium should not be touched, because the touch deepens the trance or may cause a psychic shock. (Page 79)

Note: See in Spiritual Magnetism detailed information. (Page 191)

"Frequently, during a session, the medium hangs his head heavily and seems asleep and is reprimanded by the leader, who is unaware that a somnambulist sleeps so that his Spirit may, spiritually unfold, thus freeing himself to be able to work at the session (...); it is not the medium's fault. It is because the leader knows very little about this type of mediumship, and did not study it. (...) How many times, the one who applies the pass picks the somnambulist's head, being unaware that by touching him, he ends up by deepening the trance." (Page 100) 

What has to be done for the psychic to return from the trance? 

When in a somnambulistic trance, we can observe:

- Freedom to serve the mediunic exchange;

- Clairvoyance and clairaudience in time and space;

- Ease to see the inner body;

- Identification of obsessors;

- Possibility of regression regarding the medium, or other Spirits. (Page 81)

"(...) The psychic is, by its nature, a medium who is apt for psychophony, unfolding, and psychography, or has other qualifications." (Page 81)

It is necessary to give time for the medium in trance to get used to the new state. There should be no haste. He stays in a state of torpor, in a body annihilation in which he is delighted. If he signals that he hears the magnetizer and begins to answer, then the somnambulistic state is complete. (Page 96)  

To return from the magnetic trance, dispersive passes are energetically applied from head to toe; the medium is softly called by his name; he is told to breath, to open his eyes, and to move his hands and feet.

If he feels numbness, dispersion shall fix it easily. (Page 82)

There is no weariness on the spiritual unfolding (Page 71): "Although only five attendances should be made each time, usually there are no signs of physical fatigue." (Page 78) 

There are mediums that resist coming out of trance  

If, on returning from the trance, the medium does not feel well, he should breathe deeply, repeatedly.  If he still does not feel adjusted to his body, he must spiritually unfold again and return slowly. It is natural for the medium to feel as if he is a ball or as if he is floating. If there is dizziness, tingling in his hands and feet, feeling sleepy, he should open and close his hands, breathe normally and bend his legs repeatedly and relax. (Page 71)

If the medium resists returning, use a cold puff at a distance. It acts like a psychic shock. This procedure is only to be put in practice, if the dispersive spiritual passes are ineffective. Another method (however, not ideal), and only used as a last resort, is to raise the medium's eyelid. The light on the retina causes psychic shock. (Page 83)


- In the book Spiritual Magnetism (Page 194), it is recommended that the mentioned breath or puff (cold inflations) should be applied " (...) at a distance from the forehead and over the eyes, letting it touch strongly the eyelashes, from its beginning to the temples. It is important to make a thorough dispersion in order to prevent the weight of the head and numbness in the legs, which could persist." These are steps created for this specific situation, before the mediums' education, in the Spiritist Codification.

The sick, without experience in mediumship, were led to the somnambulistic trance (when possible), and in many cases resisted to leave the trance. With mediums, which have studied and are capacitated for this, resistance does not reach this extreme, thus there is no need to use such resources. 

Results for the regression of memory  

With the memory regression, "the vision of time usually occurs, and the sensitive will describe, in great detail, the time it is taking place and the purpose of this specific clairvoyance. Another way is for the medium to feel as if he is on the place, as a mere spectator or observer. He sees everything, he feels the temperature, emotions, and he does not interfere with anything and is not seen by others. However, he can also become the character who is going through regression, living and feeling simultaneously that he is that person itself. In this work, the medium's guide, and the mentors supervising this specific task are responsible for what will be seen during regression." (Page 138)

5 - Memory and Time:

The author summarizes, at page 172, experiments with psychic somnambulists:

"(...) She stretched on a couch and we started to work. (...) I used the longitudinal passes. Within minutes she was in a trance, her eyes closed, breathing deep and calmly. There was no great difficulty to make her talk.

We carried out many interesting and instructive experiences. As soon as she spiritually unfolded, and her body relaxed, she was able to move with relative ease in time and space. She could visit distant places, which she described. When she watched people, using the advantage of her invisibility, she was able to locate parts of the body of those people, which were affected by more or less severe disorders: she could see dark shadows, spots, out of harmony areas, in contrast with those which seemed to be normal." 

Purpose of the somnambulistic ability 

"We refuse to make diagnoses or to propose treatments because we have no competence for that. This is not our purpose (...)".

"Nor is it our object to make indiscriminate research in order to identify her previous reincarnations, or of any other component of the group. (...)

Memory, in our point of view, is an area that should never be invaded abruptly, even because the psychic may strongly resist to this, especially if he does not wish to be exposed to the curiosity of outsiders, or if he is still not prepared to do so. (...)". 


- The author used magnetic somnambulism to take the only somnambulist, with which he worked, into a trance by applying on her longitudinal passes.

- One can feel the concern in following the advice of the Spirits when answering question 430 of The Book of Spirits: "(...) God gave man the somnambulistic ability for a useful and serious purpose, not to inform himself what he is not supposed to know. (...)". (To be continued in the next issue).


1 - MIRANDA , Herminio C. Stories told by the Spirits. Salvador: LEAL, 1980. Page 15.

2 - Kardec, Allan. The Spirits' Book. Translation: Evandro Bezerra Noleto. 1st edition. In commemoration of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary. Rio de Janeiro: FEB 2006. Questions 455 and 425.

3 - Kardec, Allan. The Book of Mediums. Translation Evandro Bezerra Noleto. 1. Reprint. Rio de Janeiro: FEB 2009. Part II, Chapter XIV Items 172 to 174.

4 - XAVIER, Francisco C. In the Domain of Mediumship. By the Spirit Andre Luiz . 9th Ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1979. Chapter 3, 8 and 11.

5 - Crespo, Eliane. Practical somnambulism. 2nd Ed. Goiania (GO), 1997.

6 - MIRANDA , Herminio C. Memory and Time. 3rd Ed. Niteroi: Publisher Art & Culture, 1991 Chapter VI - Experiences and personal observations.


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