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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 8 - N° 401 - February 15, 2015
Matão, SP (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Miguel de Jesus Sardano:

“Our Mega Book Fair is the world’s biggest book event
of its kind”

Our fellow Spiritist from the city of Santo André, in São Paulo state, talks about the beginnings of the Mega Book Fair and his friendship with the well-known Spiritist speaker Divaldo Franco

A Spiritist since 1950, Miguel de Jesus Sardano (photo) is the founder and president of the Spiritist Centre Dr Bezerra de Menezes, in the city of Santo André. He also works as a volunteer at the Children’s Nursery Amélia Rodrigues. He is a retired lawyer and university lecturer. In this interview he talks about the Mega Book Fair of San-

to André and his friendship with Divaldo Franco: 

When were the nursery and the Spiritist Centre founded?

The nursery was founded on November 11th 1986. The Spiritist Centre, on May 24th 1976. They work independently. The nursery looks after 214 children aged from 3 months to 10 years. It began as a department of the Spiritist Centre aimed at meeting the demand in the Vila Guiomar area of the city. 

What would you like to share with our readers about the Mega Book Fair? 

The first fair happened in 1994 and it was named Spiritist Book Fair Chico Xavier. We had no plans of organising other book fairs, but the result was so amazing that we decided to carry on. The number of books sold went up every year, reaching up to 30,000 books sold on a Sunday. We then decided to add an extra day and hold the event on Saturday and Sunday, from 9am to 5pm. We get 4 to 5,000 visitors per event and sell about 40,000 books every year. It is the biggest book fair of its kind. 

Tell us about your friendship with Divaldo Franco. 

In February 1965 I was elected president of the Third Gathering of Spiritist Youths in the Centre-South of São Paulo State. The event was held in Santo André, gathering some 300 young men and women. Divaldo Franco was one of the guest speakers. In 1966, I drove him to other cities in the state for another edition of the same youth event. I visited his charity home, Mansão do Caminho, in Bahia, for the first time in 1970. I would return many more times. By then I had made a commitment to help Divaldo in his charity work. São Paulo, then, was where you could find anything you needed. And Divaldo needed building materials for Mansão do Caminho. I became his contact here, helping to get what he needed for a better price. He began to stay with my wife, Terezinha, and me whenever he came to São Paulo. That is when I took on the job of setting up a bookstand when he came to give a talk. I am still engaged in that job every year, alongside a team of 10 volunteers.  

What is the most remarkable experience of all these years with Divaldo? 

There are so many memories, but there is one that really touched my heart. We were talking once about our friendship and he revealed that the plan from the Spiritual Benefactors was for us to be born as blood brothers. But his mother was already over 40 when he was born, in 1927, and I was born 6 years later, in 1933. That revelation filled my soul with happiness.  

Is there anything else you would like to add? 

I would like to say that those in power in Brazil have not as yet realised the importance of making sure children get the best care, as they are the future citizens of this country. The funds the government allocates for childcare are far from enough and do not meet all their needs. There is too much bureaucracy and demands from NGOs. We have to spend a lot of time and energy to raise the funds we need, through fund raising campaigns and other events. 

Your final words… 

I have words of gratitude to Divaldo Franco, who has always encouraged my work, guiding me in every step and giving me all the support needed. We owe a lot to Divaldo, who has been for so many years the “big dad” full of love, giving us security and love.


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