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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 412 - May 3, 2015
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


“God’s point” in the brain

In the book Missionaries of Light, psychographic by Francisco Cândido Xavier in 1945, 70 years ago, André Luiz brought us important data on a corpuscle belonging to the brain, oval, situated in the existing groove between the upper quadruplets bodies, which endocrine functions are assigned.

It refers to the epiphysis, also known as the pineal gland.

From the work mentioned it is extracted, the purpose of this gland, the following information:

1.) In the exercise of any psychic embodiment, the epiphysis plays the most important role. Through its balanced forces, the human mind intensifies the power of emission and reception of peculiar rays to the spiritual realm. It is in the epiphysis lies the new direction of men; however, in most of them, the divine power sleeps embryo. (Missionaries of Light, chapter 1, page 16.)

2.) The function of the epiphysis goes beyond what medical books report, which circumscribe its powers in sexual control during childhood period. In reality, the epiphysis is not a dead body, but the gland of mental life, which wakes up in man's body at puberty, the creative forces and then continues to work, as the most advanced laboratory of psychic elements of the creature land. (Ibid, chapter 2, pages 19 and 20.)

3.) The epiphysis governs the nervous phenomena of emotion, as an organ of high expression in the etheric body. She is also known for the Spirits as a gland of the spiritual life of man, having ascendancy over all endocrine system and linked to the mind through electromagnetic principles of vital field, commands the subconscious forces under the direct determination of the will. (Ibid, chapter 2, pages 20 and 21.)

4.) Segregating "units-force", the epiphysis is comparable to powerful power plant, to be grasped and controlled in lighting service, refinement and benefit of personality and not relaxed in overspending of psychic supply in the lower class emotions. It is therefore essential to take care carefully of the economy of forces, in the honest service of development of the higher faculties. It is necessary to preserve the psychic energies to the eternal Spirit aggrandizement. Jesus taught the virtue of soul as a sport. Hence the importance of renunciation and the greatness of lifting law through the sacrifice. The man who truly practices good, lives within constructive vibrations and sanctifying gratitude, happiness and joy. (Ibid, chapter 2, pages 23 to 25.)

The years passed and behold, several decades later, appeared in academic circles a curious proposal, the call Spiritual Intelligence, focused theme in the book QS: Spiritual Intelligence, by Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall, who defend the idea that, in addition to IQ (intelligence quotient) and EQ (emotional quotient), human intelligence can also be measured through spiritual intelligence, QS, the fundamental quotient of all. The QS is connected to the human need to have purpose and goal in life. It would be the responsible for the meaning of our existence, by the development of ethical values and beliefs that will guide our actions in everyday life. Knowing the potential of our QS and develop it, it will allow us to achieve goals more efficiently.

According to Danah Zohar, this thesis is based on researches conducted by scientists from around the world who have discovered what is being called 'God’s point" in the brain, an area that would be responsible for the spiritual experiences of people.

Is it a mere coincidence that idea with what André Luiz wrote 70 years ago about the epiphysis - the gland of spiritual life?

Of course not. It is, rather, the confirmation that the brain is simple, precious and delicate instrument, which, when it is reincarnated and therefore bound to a material body, the soul uses to manifest itself. Composing it, the epiphysis plays an important role in this process, as Andre Luiz said on psychographic work by Francisco Cândido Xavier, to which we refer.

Answering the question: "What is spiritual intelligence", Danah Zohar, the book's co-author on the Spiritual Intelligence, said:

"It's a third intelligence that puts our actions and experiences in a broader context of meaning and value, making them more effective. Having a high spiritual quotient (QS) implies to be able to use the spiritual to have a richer life and more full of meaning, an appropriate sense of purpose and personal direction. The QS increases our horizons and makes us more creative. It is an intelligence that drives us. It is with it that we approach and solve problems of meaning and value. The QS is connected to the human need to have purpose in life. It is what we use to develop ethical values and beliefs that will guide our actions."

According to André Luiz, as stated above lines, it is needed to preserve the psychic energies for advancement of the eternal Spirit, an idea that, in the expression used by the American philosopher, means to use the spiritual to have a richer life and more full of meaning, developing therefore ethical values that guide the conduct of individuals throughout their existence. 



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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism