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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 415 - May 24, 2015
Matão, SP (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

 Edmir Garcia:              

“Our yearly regional gathering gives us the opportunity of putting into practice the principle of union among Spiritists”

The president of the regional Spiritist body in the Brazilian city of Ribeirão Preto tell us about the early days of Conrespi, the regional event gathering local Spiritists every year for the past 33 years

Edmir Garcia (photo) was born in a Spiritist family in the city of Bebedouro, in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. He is a History and Geography lecturer. He is also the president of the Spiritist Centre “Do Calvário ao Céu” and the head of the regional Spiritist organisations in Bebedouro and Ribeirão   

Preto. In this interview the talks about Conrespi, the gathering of Spiritists held every year during carnival, usually in February.

When and how did this event begin? 

Conrespi, which stands for Regional Spiritist Gathering, began in 1983, when 350 people got together at carnival time in the city of Ribeirão Preto. This event was inspired by the yearly gathering of youth Spiritist movements, which take place in the city during Easter. In 2015, we had the 33rd edition of the event. Groups from about 50 cities take part and our gathering has been hosted by 14 different cities. We rotate between the different cities. This year, the Conrespi was hosted by the city of Matão. Next year, the city of Matão will host the event between 7th and 9th February. And it will be held in Barretos in 2017. 

What is the main aspect of the gatherings? 

Our gatherings have a tradition of well-prepared talks and lectures. Traditionally we also have amazing arts events. But undoubtedly the main aspect of our Conrespi gatherings is the opportunity for people to get together. We usually have around 300 people taking place at each edition of the event. 

Who organises the schedule and chooses the themes being discussed? 

We discuss the programme in our regional meetings, which take place every three months. We also share the cost of organising the event between the local Spiritist organisations. At our yearly meeting in May we choose the theme of the following year’s event. In August we nail down the details. And in November we print the folders and posters to publicise the event and begin enrolling those who want to attend. 

Do you hold special meetings for children and young people in general? 

Yes, people from all ages take part in the event. We have a special programme for children (known as Conrespinha) and for teenagers and other young people (Youth Conrespi). We also hold events gathering all participants, as a way of encouraging integration between the different group ages. 

What are your best memories of the event in the past 33 years? 

I am lucky to have been at every one of the 33 meetings. In the beginning we used to stay at the houses of fellow Spiritists. Later, we began organising hostels and other locations where we could all stay together. More recently, we began staying at hotels too. We have had amazing, remarkable events at every gathering, but I would make special reference to the first Conrespi, when the great medium, Divaldo Franco, experienced what we call transfiguration. Amazing and unforgettable, really! 

Is there anything you would like to add? 

I firmly believe that the Conrespi gatherings play a crucial role in the exchange of experiences required for the development of the Spiritist Movement. As we all work together to organise the event every year, we have the opportunity of putting into practice the principle of union among Spiritists, the unification of the Spiritist Movement. We do it in harmony and without big egos, in the way we should carry out all activities in the Spiritist Movement.



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