In this issue, we continue the study of the book, Practical Instructions on Spiritist Manifestations, work published by Allan Kardec in 1858. This work which we suggest you read, refers to the edition published by “Casa Editora O Clarim”, and is based on Cairbar Schutel’s translation.
Questions for discussion
A. Spiritist communication requires the identification between the Spirit and the Medium. This is established by the empathy and relationship there is between them. What qualities of the Medium attract the good Spirits? What shortcomings drive them away?
B. Some claim that there is an influence of the environment over the spiritual manifestations. How can we summarize this issue?
C. Is a psychic meeting a decisive factor to convince people, who wish to strengthen their convictions?
Reading Text
115. Optional mediums are those who are aware of their power and produce Spiritist phenomena by action of the will. The psychic faculty, although inherent to the human species, is far from existing in the same degree in everybody. But, only in very few people are they practically nil, and the number of those that are capable of producing great effects are even rarer. (Chapter V, page 127).
116. The simplest are the effects of moving objects, the taps caused by the lifting of these objects or in their own substance. It must, however, be noted that the ability to produce material effects rarely exists in those who have more perfect means of communication. (Chapter V, pages 127 and 128).
117. Of all means of communication, writing is the simplest, the most convenient and, above all, the most complete. It is towards it that all efforts should be guided, since it allows relationships with the Spirits in a continuous and regular manner as occurs among men. It is still the means through which the Spirits better reveal their nature and level of perfection or of interiority. (Chapter V, page 128).
118. For a medium, the faculty of writing is the one that better develops through its practice. (Chapter V, page 128).
119. The process is one of the simplest. You just have to get some paper and a pencil and relax in the position of someone who is going to write. However, to achieve a good result some preliminary steps are to be taken. (Chapter V, page 129).
120. We must first invoke the Spirit with whom we want to communicate. There is no special way to do this. One should call, preferably, a friendly Spirit, a relative or a friend. Since it can happen that he does not answer us, it is always useful to also invoke the familiar Spirit, whoever he may be, even if we do not know his name, because he is always with us. (Chapter V, page 129).
121. The question addressed to the Spirit must be simple and straightforward. At the beginning of the automatic writing, it is useful that the answer be yes, or no to make communication easier. The purpose is to establish communication. However, it is important that que question is not futile, that it does not relate to matters of private interest, and it is kind and friendly toward the Spirit whom we address. (Chapter V, page 130).
122. Calmness and insight are important to obtain this phenomenon, and a sincere desire and determination to make the spiritual contact. There is only one other condition: wait patiently and try to establish contact on a daily basis, for 10 or 15 minutes, the maximum, each time and for a month or two, or more, if necessary. But, if at the end of the third month, nothing happens, it is no use going on. (Chapter V, pages 130 and 131).
123. To have a quick outcome, to hasten the development or to make a person psychograph, one can ask for the momentary help of a good writing medium or some other already developed medium. If this medium puts his hand over the hand that is supposed to write, he often starts writing immediately. (Chapter V, page 132).
124. Sometimes it is enough to strongly magnetize the arm and hand of the person that wants to write. In some experiments, the one who magnetizes just has to put his hand over the shoulder of the beginner and he at once starts to write under this influence. The same effect can be achieved, with no contact whatsoever, and only by the action of the will. (Chapter V, page 132).
125. The power that allows us to develop in others the faculty of writing is one of the types of mediums, which we call trainer mediums. And oddly this power exists in people who are not, themselves, writing mediums. (Chapter V, pages 132 and 133).
126. Faith in the apprentice medium is not one of the main conditions. It helps but it is not essential. The desire and good will suffice. There are incredulous people, who write as a medium, unintentionally, while there are sincere believers that cannot do it, and this proves that this faculty depends of an organic predisposition. (Chapter V, page 133).
127. It is recommended to avoid anything that might hinder the free movement of the hand. It is even preferred that it does not entirely rest on the paper. The tip of the pencil should be supported enough to write, but not enough to try any resistance. (Chapter V, pages 133 and 134).
Answers to the proposed questions
A. Spiritist communication requires the identification between the Spirit and the Medium. This is established by the empathy and relationship there is between them. What qualities of the Medium attract the good Spirits? What shortcomings drive them away?
The qualities that attract good Spirits are kindness, benevolence, simplicity of heart, love of neighbor and detachment from material things. The defects that repel them are: selfishness, envy, jealousy, hatred, greed, sensuality and all the passions by which man attaches to the matter. A medium par excellence would therefore be the one who, with ease of execution, gathers in the highest degree moral qualities. (Ibid, Chapter VI, pages 142 and 143).
B. Some claim that there is an influence of the environment over the spiritual manifestations. How can we summarize this issue?
Yes. The influence of the environment on the nature of intelligent manifestations is remarkable. In short, the environmental conditions are so much better if there is more consistency, more pure and enlightened feelings, a sincere desire to study with no preconceived thoughts attached. In this situation three elements can influence alternately or simultaneously: the group of assistants, due to the Spirits they attract; the medium, because of the nature of his own Spirit, serving as interpreter; and the person who directs the work. This one can, alone, dominate all other influences and, more than this, all the unfavorable conditions of the environment; he can sometimes get remarkable results thanks to his morale if his purpose is useful. The Superior Spirits answer his appeal and work in his favor. The others are silent as students before their Masters. The influence of the environment makes us understand that a small number of participants the better are the meetings regarding consistency. Spiritual meetings with a small number of people are always more favorable to the best communications. (Chapter VII, pages 147 to 149).
C. Is a psychic meeting a decisive factor to convince people, who wish to strengthen their convictions?
No. Conviction is acquired not only by experience. For those who have never had any experience, it is not there at the meeting that they are going to receive their first lessons and neither draw convictions. They would run the risk of conceiving a distorted image of the beings that make up the Spiritual World, more or less as condemning the entire population of a major city by its inhabitants of its suburbs. (Chapter VIII, pages 150 and 151).