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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 3 - N° 145 – February 14, 2010

Marilise Santos


Back to school


With his backpack on his back, there went Carlinhos for his first day at school.  

He was now in his first year of primary school and was time to take things seriously. 

In fact, he was not very happy. He wished he could keep on playing with his friends without major responsibilities. 

In class, the teacher welcomed all with much delight and started the lesson by reminding them of how to read and write the letters of the alphabet. After that, she reviewed the numbers. 

When the bell rang indicating the end of the class, Carlinhos was tired. 

Oh! I miss kindergarten where the “auntie” would play a lot with all students, breaks would last much longer and we would go for a stroll ever so


He went back home looking sad. His mother, noticing he was upset, asked him with a smile on her face: 

- How was your first day back at school? 

Carlinhos answered disappointedly: 

- Oh mum, I miss kindergarten. Now everything is boring and the teacher won’t play with us. She will only teach the lessons. 

- But son, studying is necessary. Learning requires a lot of effort. 

Rebelling, Carlinhos argued: 

- But I don’t want to learn! 

His mommy, aware that it would be pointless to argue back, kept quiet. After lunch, she asked him: 

- Son, will you please go to the corner shop and bring me two bottles of milk? Here is the money. Please, bring the correct change. 

The boy looked at his mom astonished. 

- But mom, I don’t know how to calculate! How will I know if the change is right? 

The mother replied calmly: 

- Don’t you know? Well, then you will have to learn. 

Carlinhos left. When he came back, his mother asked him to deliver a package for her to a nearby address. The boy moaned: 

- Mum, I can’t read! How will I find the house? 

Without taking much notice, she answered: 

- This is your problem. The address is on the paper. Figure it out. 

With a lot of difficulty, after asking passers-by here and there, the boy managed to complete his task.  

Later on, the mother got all dressed up, called Carlinhos and told him: 

- Son, I need to go out and will be long. At 5pm, will you please go and pick your brother up from school? 

- But mom, how will I know when it is time to pick Joãozinho up? 

- Check the time on the clock! – she replied serenely. 

- But I don’t know how to tell the time from the clock! – the boy found it strange. 

- Then ask someone! 

And so, the same went on all afternoon. By dawn, Carlinhos was exhausted and very annoyed.  

At bedtime, when his mom went to kiss him goodnight, he complained: 

- Oh dear! Today you did not give me a rest all day. You only gave me tasks that I did not know how to achieve. 

Tenderly, his mom sat at his bed and explained to him: 

- Do you realise now, son, how many things you need to learn? You spent that much amount of time only because you can’t read, calculate or tell the time and had to ask for the help of other people wiser than you. Should you have known; everything would have been easier. 

The mother stopped talking, stroked her son’s tiny head and went on: 

- Would you like to spend your whole life ignoring everything and relying on others to help you? 

- Carlinhos thought for a while and replied: 

- No, mum, you are right. Learning is necessary. I will not complain about school ever again. 

- The following day, Carlinhos went to school and paid a lot of attention in what his teacher was saying in class.                  

                                                                  Aunt Celia


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