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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 10 - N° 464 - May 8, 2016
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


The youth and the
challenges of today

It is owed to Spiritism the important news that our lives are part of a long process in which past, present and future have intertwined, as links in a single chain.

It is natural, therefore, that today's young people reveal idealism, a force of will, a search for changes that older people often do not show, except of course, the understandable exceptions.

This fact, as known to us all, it is not difficult to understand. The young of today was yesterday's elderly, existences that are gone, so they feel naturally - without recollection of the past - which also they have responsibility for stains, the errors, the crimes that had caused the earthly society has reached the condition in which we find ourselves.

Their changing aspirations are legitimate, but the challenges and obstacles are many and complex.

How to reverse the state of belligerence that characterizes today's society?

How to extinguish corruption, inequality, prejudice?

How to deploy peace, brotherhood, peaceful coexistence between the people?

Before such problems it is easy to deduce that it is not the task for a single generation, but for many. It must, however, take the first step and in this sense the role of youth is of paramount importance.

As the young Victor Abranches says in an interview published in this same edition, the youth has "the mission to transform the world into deeper aspects and at the same time more subtle than the changes taking place due to past generations." He also said, "another great mission: to prepare the next generation to continue the evolution of mankind and hence the planet." [The interview is one of the highlights of this week. It is worth reading it. Here is the link: http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano10/464/entrevista.html]

On youthful dreams, many of which wither in a short time, usually even before the entry into the so-called mature stage, it is good to remember an important lesson recorded by Emmanuel in his book Caminho, Verdade e Vida, (The Way, Truth and Life), psychographic by the medium Francisco Cândido Xavier:

Almost always those who go to youth give them such great powers that the young adults end in frank disorientation, deceived and distracted.

It is usually expected from them to safeguard all.

We agree with their vast possibilities, but we cannot forget that this stage of earthly existence is to have the most number of needs in the chapter of direction.

The lad can and will do if the aged spirit in experience does not forsake in the work.

Nothing new will be able to build, if not worth the efforts that preceded their activities.
In all, it will depend on their predecessors.

Youth can be compared to hopefully out of a boat to important trip.
Childhood was the preparation; the old age will be the arrival in harbor.

All phases request the lessons of experienced sailors, learning to organize and finish the journey with the desired success.

It is essential to properly support the youth mindset and that no one will offer them illusory domain of perspectives.

Not always the wishes of the young men are the security index in the future.

The youth can do much, but to follow, at all, "righteousness, faith, love and peace with those of a pure heart, invoke the Lord." (Caminho Verdade e Vida - The Way, Truth and Life, chapter 151)
(We highlighted)


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