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Year 2 - N° 70 - August 24, 2008

Londrina, Paraná (Brasil)



FELIPE DARELLA - felipe.darella@gmail.com


Francisco Rebouças:

“We need to see the Spiritist Center full of children, learning the moral and ethics taught by Spiritism”

The Spiritist Center needs to focus on the evangelization of those who will later on, be responsible for carrying on the true Spiritist message and transformation of our society

Born in São Luís do Maranhão, José Francisco Costa Rebouças currently lives in Niteroi (RJ), where he is responsible for the Mediumship Interest Center, of the Plantão Pró-Casa Espírita, which looks to recycle matters and prepare workers to perform properly in the several activities of the Spiritist Centers in that city. Rebouças’ family moved to Rio de Janeiro, when he was still a kid, looking for better opportunities of work.

He has a degree in Human Resources, and is writer and collaborator of this magazine, talks about several subjects in the interview which he delivered, as it follows.

O Consolador: What functions have you already performed in the Spiritist movement?

I was part of the team in charge of the mediumship area of the former USEERJ (Union of the Spiritist Societies of the State of Rio de Janeiro), today called CEERJ (Spiritist Council of the State of Rio de Janeiro), directed by Miguel Tavares de Gouveia, which I took part in several seminars done all over Rio de Janeiro, about the aforementioned topic. I was a member of CEUNIT (Spiritist Council of Unification of Niteroi), where I retired due to the lack of time to attend meetings. As I don’t like to miss my appointments, I decided to quit. 

O Consolador: What function are you in nowadays?

I am in charge of the Mediumship Interest Center, of the Plantão Pró-Casa Espírita, official event of the Spiritist Council of Unification of Niteroi (CEUNIT). It looks to recycle matters and prepare workers to perform properly in the several activities of the Spiritist Centers in our city. I am the president of the Fiscal Council of UMEN – Union of Spiritist Youth of Niteroi and I am also a member of the coordination of study groups in our Center. I write for several media of Spiritism all over Brazil, sites, journals, magazines, and lectures.  

O Consolador: When did you have your first contact with Spiritism?

I was raised in a Catholic family, and I heard of the Spiritist Doctrine through my girlfriend, my wife Eloisa today, who was Spiritist 35 years ago.

O Consolador: Before your adherence to Spiritism, how did your family react to it?

They did not like the idea at first, because, like me, they did not know what Spiritism was all about. Today, they changed their minds and, even though some of them keep on being Catholics, they respect my option of following the Doctrine.

O Consolador: From the three aspects of Spiritism – scientific, philosophical and religious –, which one is more appealing to you?

The three of them, as I cannot see one more important than another.

O Consolador: What are your favorite Spiritist authors?

There are many. Among them, Kardec, André Luiz, Emmanuel, Joanna de Angelis, Vianna de Carvalho, Manoel Philomeno de Miranda, Richard Simonetti, Amélia Rodrigues, Léon Denis, Deolindo Amorim, Eurípedes Barsanulfo, Yvonne do Amaral Pereira, Bezerra de Menezes, Camilo, etc.

O Consolador: What are the most important books for those who are starting off in Spiritism?

Kardec’s books including the Spiritist Magazine, Francisco Cândido Xavier’s books, mainly the ones written by Emmanuel and André Luiz.

O Consolador: If you went to a distant place, away from Spiritist activities, which books would you take?

The ones I said before and the books by Joanna de Angelis, Yvonne A. Pereira, Bezerra de Menezes, Léon Denis.

O Consolador: Do you consider Spiritism to be a religion?

I have never had any doubt about it. About this subject I wrote an article in which I put the arguments found in the Compilation, to explain this subject, from I quote the following excerpt: the Spirits talk about only one God, sovereignty just and good; they say that the man is free and responsible for his acts, rewarded or punished by the good or evil he did; they put above all the virtues the charity and the following rule taught by Christ: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Are not those foundations of a religion? (...). Who is interested to read this article can find it under my name, in the section articles in the following address:

O Consolador: Have you read the book by J. B. Roustaing?

I am a true Spiritist and make Kardec’s words mine about the subject: “It is needed, then, to consider such explanations as personal opinions of the Spirits who formulated them, opinions that can be true or false, and that, in all cases, have necessity of the Universal control, and even broader confirmation could not be considered as an integrant part of the Spiritist Doctrine” – words of the Compiler in the Spiritist Magazine of 1866, in which he was reporting to the “Explained Gospel” by Mr. Roustaing. This way, in my opinion, Roustainguism is not and will never be Spiritism.

O Consolador: What is your opinion about standardized passes?

I respect the opinions of those who do not have my understanding about anything related to Spiritism, but I cannot agree with something that my reason does not accept, and this is one of such subjects, I will tell you why. As for subjects which bring up controversy, I try to research deeply in the Compilation and others of renowned Spiritist content the foundations to be for this or that theory, and, about this subject, I bring some passages which consolidated my position to the theme that is extensive and requires better reflections and deeper studies:

1) “O Coronel Sobreira, inspired by his Mentor, came up to the medium and helped Matias incorporated with the resource of application of magnetic passes of long length to calm him down...” Book: Broken Bonds Chap. 19, Divaldo P. Franco, by the Spirit Manoel Philomeno de Miranda. Livraria Alvorada Publisher 11th edition.

2) “Conrad, imposing his right hand on the medium, gave him strong current of powers and inspired her to move her hands over the sick one, from the head to the liver. We noticed that she was covered with a luminous substance that, in thin threads, reached the visceral field. The lady showed an expression of relief, on her face, going away satisfied, after promising she would keep the treatment.” Book: In the Domains of Mediumship – FEB 23th issue, Chap. 17- P. 169. Chico Xavier by the Spirit André Luiz.

3) “The will to relieve, to heal – we said – gives the magnetic fluid healing properties. The remedy for our diseases is in ourselves. A good and healthy man can act upon sick and weak beings, regenerate them through blowing, laying of hands and even objects impregnated with his energy. It is more frequently operated through gestures, called passes, fast or slow, longitudinal or transverse, according to the effect, soothing or exciting, that is intended to produce on sick people. This treatment must be followed regularly, and sessions renewed every day until complete healing.” Livro: In The Invisible, Léon Denis - Chap. XV.

There are other texts in other books that I don’t quote at the moment for the sake of space, but they are quite clarifying about passes procedure. If in mediumship concentration and tune are indispensable factors for mediums to register the inspirations Good Spirits convey to us, how come to disregard these instructions that we receive as to applying passes? I do not want to say that I know more than anyone else, just to register that I don’t agree with this practice that is spreading in the Spiritist movement, and I can even say that, after an exhaustive research on that, I did not find in the Compilation or any other books any message contrary to that.

O Consolador: What can you make of the discussion about abortion?

The High Spirits said: “We have now reached a phase upon this planet when the teachings of Christ most be completed and the intentional veil cast aver some parts of these teachings lifted. A time when science must desist in its exclusive materialism, so taking into consideration the spiritual element; when religion must cease to ignore the organic and immutable law of matter, so that bath may became two forces, each leaning on the other and advancing together in mutual concourse. Then religion, no longer discredited by science and no longer being able to oppose the overwhelming logic of the facts, will acquire an unshakable power because it will be in agreement with reason.” (Gospel – Chap. 1 item 8.) I think that Spiritism, with so much knowledge about the spiritual life, has more responsibility to fight with all its resources pro-life against ignorance and death. This way I am for a serious engagement of all Spiritist people against the approval of this aberration that represents this criminal law, participating actively in all sectors of society that we act, doing our bit, for that we have a calm conscience even if this absurd comes to happen, going against our Christian principles. 

O Consolador: Euthanasia, as we know, has no support from Spiritism. Lately, we have heard about the orthothanasia, backed even by Spiritist doctors.    What do you think about it?

Apart from being new, I have read a lot about it, but I could not be convinced though; because of this, I keep being against any initiative of abbreviation of life whatever it might be. If we are not even able to decide our fate, how come our fellows’?

O Consolador: What is your opinion about the current state of the Spiritist movement in our country (Brazil)?

Good question. I think that the Spiritist movement is still quite egoistic in many questions. We see that when trying to spread an idea, work, etc. If you are not known nationwide in the Spiritist scene, you will probably give up, because, even if you fight, will not be successful, with rare exceptions. However, much nonsense, which harms our movement, has their space in the Spiritist media. I think that we need to grab our hands, helping each other, having as a motto: “Out of charity there is no salvation”.   

O Consolador: How do you see criminality and violence in our country? How can Spiritist help in this situation?  

We are living the transformation that the Spirits said in the Compilation, and we know this state of things is transitional and everything will turn out well. Jesus said that: “...But the meek shall inherit the land”. We ought to work to make it happen and be one of the heirs to live the joys of the new times that are coming.

O Consolador: How long do you think it will take for Earth to be promoted from his current status, world of tests and atonement, to the condition of regenerating world, according to Saint Augustin, the word love will be written in all fronts and a perfect balance will ensure relationships?

It would be stupid of me to establish a date for this happening, even because everything will depend on the good will of men for such advent. I state, as being Spiritist, that I have no doubt this time will come, and I ask the Lord for it to come as soon as possible.

O Consolador: About the problems that the earthly society is facing, what should be the top priority for Spiritism in Brazil and the world?

Give total attention to the work of evangelization of kids in our Spiritist Centers. We need to answer Jesus’ request when he said: “Let the little children come unto me”. (Gospel – Chap. 8, item 18.) The Spiritist Center needs to focus on the evangelization of those who will later on, be responsible for carrying on the true Spiritist message and transformation of our society. From kid that man is formed. We need to see the Spiritist Center full of children, learning the moral and ethics taught by Spiritism, contributing this way for a more conscious and responsible society in all segments of our society.

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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism