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Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine Portuguese  Spanish
Program V: Scientific Aspect  

Year 2 - N° 91 - January 25, 2009


Curitiba, Paraná (Brasil)  
Patrícia Baptista Onodera - ponodera@hotmail.com


The role of the perispirit in the economy of the human life

We present in this issue the topic #91 from the Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine, that is being presented weekly, according to the programme elaborated by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), structured in 6 modules and 147 topics.

If the reader uses this program for a study group, we suggest that questions proposed be discussed freely before the reading of the text that follows. If you would like to study alone, we ask you to try to answer the questions at first and only then read the text that follows. The answer key can be found at the end of the lesson. 


1. In the process of reincarnation, what is the role that the perispirit play in the formation of the physical body?   

2. What are vital centres and what is the function in the economy of the human life? 

3. How does the perispirit of the person to be reincarnated bond itself to the germ that will originate the physical body?   

4. Which is the headquarters of the spiritual memory? 

5. Where can we locate the etiology of the diseases which afflict the physical body?


The vital centres control the functional activity of the physical organs  

1. The perispirit is the directive force which is responsible for the construction of the sculptural plan and for the functional type of all beings. Contains the previous draft and the organogenic properties which, activated under the action of the vital force, will serve as principle to the formation of the new physical organism and will dictate the position in the morphologic scale, according to the level of evolution of the individual. It’s in the embryo where this directive action is executed, but it extends until the end of its existence, even acting upon the regeneration of destroyed organic tissues.          

2. Andre Luiz teaches that the spiritual body has all the equipment of automatic resources which govern the billions of microscopic entities that are at the Intelligence’s disposal, in the action circles in which we delay, resources that are slowly acquired by the being, in millenniums of effort and recapitulation, in the multiple sectors of animic (1) evolution (Evolution in Two Worlds, Page 26).   

3. In the spiritual body – adds Andre Luiz – locates the vital centres that control the functional activity of several organs which integrate the physical body. Such centres are energetic fulcrums which, under the automatic guidance of the soul, print on the cells the extreme speciality, through which the man possess in the dense body – and retains in the spiritual body in equivalent resources – the cells that produce the phosphate and calcium carbonate for the constitution of bones, cells which distend themselves to recoat the intestine, those which perform complex chemical functions in the liver, those which transform themselves into blood filters in the kidney’s intimacy and so many others that occupy themselves with the manufacture of indispensable substances to the conservation and defense of life in the glands, tissues and organs which constitute their vehicle of manifestation.  

4. At the moment to incarnate, the perispirit of the individual to be reincarnated bonds itself molecule to molecule to the matter of the germ, which encloses a potential energy that transforms itself in actual energy to the course of the existence of the being. This germ is subjected to the laws of genetics, which means that, the vital force suffers the modifier actions of the parents’ inheritance, which transmit their organic dispositions. As it has been said, the action of the vital force is the one that leads the perispirit to develop its functional properties. 

The perispirit retains all the knowledge acquired by soul  

5. The germ recapitulates, in a quick manner, during its development, the various phases of evolution which the race has gone through. In the same way that the perispirit brings the record of all the states of the Spirit since its origin, the material germ encloses, as well, the impressions of the stages travelled by the psychosoma or spiritual body.  

6. The perispirit retains all the states of conscience, of sensitivity and will; it keeps all the knowledge acquired by the being. It is the memory headquarters. It is the one that stores, records and conserves all the perceptions, all the volitions and ideas of the soul. All our past is stored in it. All the several stages of our development are registered in the perispirit. 

7. Along its immense trajectory, since when the soul started its terrestrial pilgrimages under the most inferior forms, the perispirit has been recording the experiences lived by the intelligent being, incorporating an increasing baggage. So it’s easy to comprehend that the lack of regulations, the abuses, the attempts against the physical body and injuries to the rights of others, are also recorded on the spiritual body and start to reverberate on the existence that they occurred or in a future incarnation.     

8. In this respect, teaches Kardec that the fluidic double, as one of the elements component in the human being, beyond the important role that plays upon the psychological phenomenons, has its participation in the physiologic and pathologic events. According to Andre Luiz, the etiology of the diseases that afflict and lacerate the physical body, keep in the spiritual body their deep causes. The remorse provokes several disturbances in the tonicity of our inmost forces and disarticulates the synergies of the spiritual body, creating morbid prepossessions to this or that infirmity.       

During incarnation, the bond between the perispirit and body is close  

9. During incarnation, there is, therefore, a close connection between the Spirit and the physical body, through the perispirit; this is the reason why any unhealthy modification in the nerve cells of the brain implies in an alteration of the spiritual faculties.     

10. In normal conditions, sensations modify the nature of the vibrations of the psychic force. If these modifications are, for their intensity and duration, so as to exceed the minimum limit, the sensations will be recorded on the perispirit in a conscious manner, which means, there will be perception, the Spirit will acknowledge what is happening. It’s the memory of fixation. If this minimum limit is not reached, there will be a recording of sensation, but only in the unconscious.   

11. Not all the sensations and recollections can exist at once. There is a weakening of their rhythm which leads them to descend gradually below the minimum level of perception, reason why they enter in the unconscious zone. That’s why all the acts of the vegetative and organic life have been conserved in the perispirit during the evolution of the soul through the long series of the inferior kingdoms. A continuous repetition of certain acts creates habits. In the beginning, these acts are conscious, but, with the repetition, they become mechanical, until they make themselves automatic and unconscious.     

12. The evocative memory allows us to remember the knowledges, through reference points, whose location in the past is unknown. Through the association of ideas, these reference points link us to the events that gather themselves around them, transporting us to the epoch of the events. In order to this retrospect take place, there must be an association of will to the attention, which results recalling to the conscience, images that were collected in the perispiritual file.        

Answer Key

1. In the process of reincarnation, what is the role that the perispirit play in the formation of the physical body? 

A.: The perispirit is the directive force which is responsible for the construction of the sculptural plan and for the functional type of all beings. Contains the previous draft and the organogenic properties which, activated under the action of the vital force, will serve as principle to the formation of the new physical organism and will dictate the position in the morphologic scale. 

2. What are vital centres and what is the function in the economy of the human life?

A.: Vital centres are energetic fulcrums which, under the automatic guidance of the soul, print on the cells the distinctive specialities and control, that way, the functional activity of several organs that integrate the physical body.   

3. How does the perispirit of the person to be reincarnated bond itself to the germ that will originate the physical body?  

A.: The perispirit bonds itself molecule to molecule to the matter of the germ, which encloses a potential energy that transforms itself in actual energy to the course of the existence of the being. 

4. Which is the headquarters of the spiritual memory?

A.: The headquarters of the memory is the perispirit, which stores, records and conserves all the perceptions, all the volitions and ideas of the soul.  

5. Where can we locate the etiology of the diseases which afflict the physical body?

A.: According to Andre Luiz, the etiology of the diseases keeps in the spiritual body their deep causes. The remorse provokes several disturbances in the tonicity of our inmost forces and disarticulates the synergies of the spiritual body, creating morbid prepossessions to this or that infirmity.


(1) Here, the word in the original text is “animica”, which means (according to the Michaelis Portuguese Dictionary): referent or belonging to the soul (Translator’s Note). 



Posthumous Works, by Allan Kardec, Item 12, Page 45. 

The Animic Evolution, by Gabriel Delanne, Pages 39, 55, 56, 81, 225 and 226. 

Evolution in Two Worlds, by Andre Luiz, Pages 26, 28, 213 and 214.

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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism