Common species to all
genres of mediumship
We present in this issue
the topic #106 from the
Systematized Study of
the Spiritist Doctrine,
that is being presented
weekly, according to the
programme elaborated by
the Brazilian Spiritist
Federation (FEB),
structured in 6 modules
and 147 topics.
If the reader uses this
program for a study
group, we suggest that
questions proposed be
discussed freely before
the reading of the text
that follows. If you
would like to study
alone, we ask you to try
to answer the questions
at first and only then
read the text that
follows. The answer key
can be found at the end
of the lesson.
1. What are the
characteristics that
natural or involuntary
mediums have?
2. Is it possible to a
natural medium pass to
the condition of an
optional medium?
3. What are, according
to Kardec, the varieties
common to all genres of
4. It is recommended to
develop the mediumship
in children?
5. At what age should
people initiate in the
field of mediumship?
The natural medium can
pass to the condition of
optional medium
1. The mediums of
physical effects can be
divided into optional or
voluntary mediums and
natural or involuntary
2. Optional or voluntary
Mediums are those who
are aware of its
strength and produce
spiritual phenomena by
action of their own
will. Clearly, for this,
they need the
cooperation of a Spirit.
This faculty, although
inherent in the human
species, is far from
existing in everybody in
the same degree. But
there are few people in
whom it is almost null,
even more rare are those
who are able to produce
large effects, such as
lifting heavy bodies,
their translation and,
more importantly, the
3. Natural or
involuntary mediums are
those whose influence is
exercised despite their
desire. They have no
consciousness of its
strength and, often,
what happens of
extraordinary around
them doesn’t seem to
them, in any way,
extraordinary. The fact
can occur at any age and
it can even be verified
in children at very
early age.
4. The invisible beings
who show their presence
through sensitive
effects are, in general,
Spirits of a lower order
and can be dominated by
the moral ascendant of
the medium. It is
necessary, therefore,
that the medium acquires
this ascendant. For
that, it is necessary to
the medium to pass from
the condition of a
natural or involuntary
medium to the condition
of an optional medium.
5. Then it will be
produced an effect
similar to that found in
sleepwalking. As the
experience has shown,
the natural somnambulism
usually cease when
replaced by the magnetic
somnambulism. Not for
the possibility of
emancipation of the
soul, it is given to it
another way. The same
applies to the
mediumistic faculty.
Therefore, instead of
hindering the phenomena,
what are rarely
achieved, it is
necessary to excite the
medium to produce them
in his will, imposing to
the Spirit.
Spirits are
distinguished by the
nature of the impression
they provoke
6. As Kardec states in
item 188 in the "The
Book of Mediums", these
are the varieties common
to all genres of
I. Sensitive mediums;
II. Natural or
involuntary mediums;
III. Optional or
voluntary mediums.
7. Sensitive mediums are
people likely to feel
the presence of Spirits
by a general or spotted
impression, vague or
material. In general, we
can differ good Spirits
from the bad by the
nature of the impression
that they cause.
8. Spiritism teaches
that delicate and very
sensitive mediums must
refrain from
communications with
violent Spirits or whose
impression is painful,
because the fatigue that
is resulted.
9. Natural or
involuntary mediums , as
we saw in Section 3
above, are those who
produce the phenomena
spontaneously, without
any involvement of his
will and, in most cases,
despite its.
10. Optional or
voluntary mediums are
those who have the power
to cause the phenomena
by an act of their own
will as long as there
is, of course, the
cooperation of a Spirit.
If this one refuses,
they could not, which
shows that it is
verified in the
mediumistic fact the
influence of a weird
It is dangerous to
develop mediumship in
11. Kardec asked three
questions to the
Superior Spirits
regarding mediumship in
children. See below what
they taught ("The Book
of Mediums", item 221,
paragraphs 6, 7 and 8):
I - It is very dangerous
to develop mediumship in
children, because their
delicate organization
would be undermined and
their imagination super
excited with the
mediumistic practice.
Thus, cautious parents
should remove them from
these ideas or at least
discuss the matter only
from the point of view
of its moral
II - When the
mediumistic faculty is
spontaneously in a
child, it is a sign that
it is in one’s nature
and that one’s
constitution is for
that. The same thing
does not happen when it
is provoked and super
III - There is not a
precise age at which a
person begins to deal
with mediumship. That
depends mainly on the
physical development
and, even more, on the
moral development. There
are children at the age
of 12 years who are less
affected than some
1. What are the
characteristics that
natural or involuntary
mediums have?
A.: Natural or
involuntary mediums are
those who produce the
spontaneously, without
any participation of
one’s will and, in most
cases against their
desire. They have no
consciousness of its
strength and, often,
what happens of
extraordinary around
them doesn’t seem to
them, in any way,
2. Is it possible to a
natural medium pass to
the condition of an
optional medium?
A.: Yes, it is possible.
3. What are, according
to Kardec, the varieties
common to all genres of
A.: As we read in the
item 188, "The Book of
Mediums", these are the
varieties common to all
genres of mediumship:
Sensitive mediums;
Natural or involuntary
mediums; Optional or
voluntary mediums.
4. It is recommended to
develop the mediumship
in children?
A.: No, because their
delicate organization
would be undermined and
their imagination super
excited with the
mediumistic practice.
5. At what age should
people initiate in the
field of mediumship?
A.: There is not a
precise age at which a
person begins to deal
with mediumship. That
depends mainly on the
physical development
and, even more, on the
moral development.
The Book
of Mediums;
by Allan Kardec, items
160, 161, 162, 163, 164,
188 and 221.