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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 3 - N° 110 – June 7, 2009
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)


Carolina von Scharten - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com

Hélio Ribeiro Loureiro: 

“The goal we should all follow is to live the Doctrine and change ourselves day
after day”

Our week’s interviewee takes about the effort made by spiritist in Rio de Janeiro to unify the movement which, as a result,
brought beneficial results to it

Hélio Ribeiro Loureiro (picture) is a spiritist for 27 years. He was born in Niterói and now lives in São Gonçalo (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). He is linked to several institutions and spiritist activities. Hélio here tells us about the debates and efforts made to unify the spiritist movement in Rio de Janeiro.  

O Consolador: You have lived a transitional period for the movement in Rio de Janeiro. Can you please describe this unification process to us? 

In our State we had a problem with the political and management fusion from the

state of Rio and the state of Guanarabara, which dates back from 1975. Guanabara nowadays is the city of Rio de Janeiro, capital of Rio de Janeiro State. There were two Federative and both places couldn’t easily be merged into one.  

When we took the Presidency of FEERJ in 2000, we went to the National Federative Council from FEB (Brazilian Spiritist Federation). We proposed the idea of ‘combined work’. This process lasted for 5 years. Vanity and pride tried to get on the way, but with God’s help this change happened. On the 26th March 2006, 113 spiritist centres associated with the new Federative created. This meeting was held by FEB’s President Nestor Masotti, at Avenida Passos, 30, Rio de Janeiro. The Name of the State Federation is, from that day onwards, Conselho Espírita do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – CEERJ (Spiritist Council of Rio de Janeiro State). 

O Consolador: So basically there was USEERJ and FEERJ? 

Yes, there were two Federations, which distinctive roles, in one single State. Within Geisel’s government two Federations were created in order to avoid opposition to his government. I would like to raise that there no distinctions in terms of Doctrine itself. 

O Consolador: What are the remarkable points within the history of FEERJ? 

FEERJ has contributed a lot in the disclosure and practice of Spiritism. Courses for the formation of Spiritist Teachers for Children and Youth started around 1970’s. They had the participation of Cecília Rocha, who is nowadays the vice-President of FEB (Brazilian Spiritist Federation). There were memorable courses which were held in different parts of the State.

At the time, Floriano Moinho Péres, who was a great leader for the spiritist cause, was the President of FEERJ. His wife Luzia Péres was responsible for the Children and Youth department. We now have a historical archive for classes for Children and Youth in our centre, in Niterói. 

O Consolador: Has the change within FEERJ altered its study programme and spiritist disclosure? 

With the unification, FEERJ conceded the Federative function to CEERJ. It also changed its statute, and its name became Instituto Espírita Bezerra de Menezes (IEBM). It kept the same activities since its foundation on 1907: to study the Doctrine and practice it. It also works together with Instituto Dr. March, which was founded on 3rd October 1934. Together with the city of Niterói, we maintain a nursery for 200 children. IEBM then started to expand its activities, within the study and disclosure of Spiritism. We have 6 public weekly meetings, within which more than 1.000 people come to.

O Consolador: Do you know how many institutions exist in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil?  

In the State of Rio de Janeiro there are 94 cities, from which only 6 do not have a spiritist centre. There are 600 centres associated to CEERJ (113 came from the previous FEERJ). There are around 300 groups that are not associated to the Federation. Our friend Luiz Carlos from GEUFA (Institution from Volta Redonda) made a research that pointed out the countryside has more centre than the capital. The spiritist movement is split in local councils and the Unified Spiritist Council (CEU). In each Unified Spiritist Council (CEU) there are seven associated institutions. There are 42 CEU's within the State. In some regions or cities there could be more than one CEU. Volta Redonda, Niterói, S.Gonçalo, Duque de Caxias and Nova Iguaçu, for example.  

O Consolador: What would you like to point out, in terms of your experience and a public speaker and coordinator of publishing Spiritism? 

We have learned a lot from the work of unification. Institutions need to be visited and need to visit other spiritist centres. It is only through this exchange that experiences will be learned, and the movement will become stronger. We need to remember, as representatives of our Doctrine to take the work of Kardec forward. He is still unknown to a lot of people; even to people within our movement. 

O Consolador: Can you please give us the site of the institution? 

Our Federation’s site is: www.ceerj.org.br  

O Consolador: Do you think the exchange between other States is good? Can you please tell us more about your relationship with the National Federative Council?  

It’s very rewarding to visit other centres in our states. The experience is very enriching. I have actively participated on the National Federative Council meetings for 6 years. It is very good to hear the experiences of our colleagues. Their difficulties in disclosing the Doctrine and new methodological ideas for the study of Spiritism make this exchange extremely rewarding.

O Consolador: Can you please give us your final words? 

What really worries me today is the lack of knowledge spiritists have regarding the Doctrine. It states we need to change our behaviour; improve our feelings.  We need to live the Doctrine every day and let it modify ourselves. This should be the goal of everyone who follows the spiritist Doctrine.


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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism