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Year 3 - N° 116 – July 19, 2009

Santo Ângelo, RS (Brazil)


Carolina von Scharten - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com

Vinicius Lima Lousada:

“Through moral education, which was proposed by Kardec, we will find ways to overcome selfishness”


Vinicius Lima Lousada (picture) is the author of the books “Educação para a vida” (Education for life) and “Saberes de Espiritualidade e Paz” (Wisdoms of Spirituality and Peace). He is also an educator, researcher and coordinator of the Systematic Studies department of the Spiritist Doctrine at the Spiritist Federation of Rio Grande do Sul, South Brazil. He has a Master and Doctorate Degree in Education from UFRGS and here relates his experiences.

O Consolador: When did you have your first contact with Spiritism?

I had the urge to be born in a spiritist home, in Rio Grande do Sul-RS, Brazil. I learned with my parents to love Jesus Christ and his message, as well as to respect Allan Kardec’s way of thinking. My mother is a medium and was very involved with Spiritist Education for Children and social charity. My father, who is now disincarnated, was very involved with duties related to the study and disclosure of spiritist concepts. I went to spiritist education for children and youth with my brothers when I was younger. Since I was a teenager, I got involved with the Spiritist Philosophy through the study of spiritist books and practice within the spiritist centre.

O Consolador: What have you got involved with in the spiritist centre?

I have started as a Spiritist Teacher for Children and Youth. I then worked as managing this department at the spiritist centre Sociedade Espírita Kardecista. I have also worked with mediumship in different centres. I was the President of Comunhão Espírita Mansão da Paz and co-founder and Vice-President of the spiritist centre Casa Espírita Bezerra de Menezes.  

I am a member of the IETRD (Instituto Espírita Terceira Revelação Divina, which is based in south of Porto Alegre) just now, in which I work as a Secretary. I also help disclosing Spiritism through speeches and teaching activities, as well through healing courses. I am very thankful to my colleagues from this institution who have welcomed my wife and me into this place. I also am coordinating the Systematic Studies of the Spiritist Doctrine Department at the Spiritist Federation of Rio Grande do Sul (FERGS). 

O Consolador: What are the titles of your books?

“Educação para a vida” (Education for life) and “Saberes de Espiritualidade e Paz” (Wisdoms of Spirituality and Peace). I have also been working on another book just now. They can both be purchased at the bookshop Francisco Spinelli, Rio Grande do Sul.  

O Consolador: Have you got articles published? 

Yes, I have. I decided to write a few and these can be found at: Diálogo Espírita e Revista Reencarnação – FERGS; International Spiritism magazine; Seara Espírita; Magazine O Consolador, site Espiritualidade e Sociedade; Panorama Espírita; Terra Espiritual, etc. I keep a blog with the main purpose to disclose the Spiritist Doctrine, and promote its study. I would like to invite you all to have a look at it: www.estudandokardec.blogspot.com. 

O Consolador: How did you start as a spiritist lecturer? Which themes do you prefer approaching? 

I have started giving lectures around May 1995.  As time went by, I started to get invitations to speak at different cities. I have had the pleasure to speak publicly at several places, such as Book Fairs, Cultural Houses/places, theatres, Schools, spiritist centres and many other places. I have had the option to speak about many themes, but we normally focus on Spiritist Philosophy. For spiritist workers, I focus on the ‘Study of the Spiritist Doctrine’, ‘What is Spiritism?’, ‘A Study on Spiritual Fluids’, ‘Strengthening Relationships within the spiritist centres’ and ‘Mediunship according to Kardec’. I always ask what our colleagues would like us to speak about in advance. I am extremely happy to see the increase of enthusiasts who are getting to know the Spiritist Doctrine. Nothing makes me happier than seeing Kardec’s texts being disclosed to such a varied audience.    

O Consolador: What drives you to talk about Kardec and the Spiritist Review? 

Once I got as birthday present the Spiritist Review magazine from 1858, but I didn’t pay much attention to it. It was only in 2007 that I started to read this work daily, through a publication launched by FEB (Brazilian Spiritist Federation). I fell in love with this magazine due to the depth of content available in the texts written by Allan Kardec. He argued about issues regarding moral values, spiritist manifestations and Philosophy. I would say this is one of the fundamental pieces of the Spiritist Doctrine. We need to get to know it, since it shows how genius Allan Kardec really was and it allows us to get know Spiritism deeply.  This is one of many reasons why I always take data from the Spiritist Review into my lectures and share it with other colleagues. 

O Consolador: We have noticed we can see more and more young people at the spiritist centres. How can the spiritist leaders integrate them into the centres’ activities?

It’s wonderful to see young people at the centres. The Codifier argued in 1862 the need to open spiritist meeting for the younger generation. The spiritist leader should welcome youth to the centre and encourage them to there, but always bearing in mind the institutions’ norms. It’s the leaders’ duty to delegate tasks in accordance with the level of conscience and responsibility of the worker. This is what Jesus would do. Let’s remind ourselves that Kardec affirmed the understanding of Spiritism is fundamental for the expansion of moral sense and consciousness, which does not depend on the number of years the spirit, has already been incarnated in earth. 

O Consolador: What is the importance of having study groups at the spiritist centres?  

We all need to become more aware of the spiritual world which is why study groups are of high importance. The spiritist thinking acquired through reading Kardec and group discussions is fundamental in the learning process. The establishment of a conscious spiritual progression, through the Spiritist Philosophy, is needed. The Systematic Study of the Spiritist Doctrine helps to know the Doctrine in depth. It also contributes to the moral education of all members of the group, promoting their own inner reformation.  

O Consolador: How has been the experience to coordinate the Systematic Study of the Spiritist Doctrine Department at the Spiritist Federation of Rio Grande do Sul (FERGS)?  

It’s been very enriching. There are existing challenges, but with perseverance, communication, respect of other people’s opinion, we overcome these issues. This is quite demanding, since it required the acceptance the other person as they are, with their own opinion. We can learn to work as a team, which has been very enriching in Rio Grande do Sul. It also provides a dynamic relationship for the good cause, which also motivates the team at the Systematic Study of the Spiritist Doctrine Department to keep working together.

O Consolador: How do you evaluate the Systematic Study of the Spiritist Doctrine (ESDE) at the spiritist centres?

We notice we have at the centres a number of responsible and compromised colleagues with a permanent campaign pro the Systematic Study of the Spiritist Doctrine. It is therefore important to remember the qualification required for someone to coordinate these studies as this is a very serious task. We need to understand the need to apply the study programmes into our lives and put them into practice.

O Consolador: How is the disclosure of Spiritism going globally?

Spiritism is going around, as Allan Kardec said one day. There are many people who are working constantly to divulge it in Brazil and in the rest of the world. Therefore, the increase in its disclosure requires quality, which can’t be measured by numbers. It should be measured by our loyalty to the Spiritist thinking. We should pay attention not to transform it on a Spiritist science focused on in concluded studies or researches. We should also avoid discussions around religious beliefs, since we shall remember Jesus said ‘Each one will receive his own reward according to his own labour.’ I have been reflecting around my own duty for the Doctrine. I have been worried about what others are doing with Spiritism. I feel the need to raise this question with the reader of such a high profile magazine as O Consolador: what are our responsibilities in terms of Philosophical coherence relating to Spiritism? How is that affecting the process of its disclosure? 

O Consolador: There is a huge interest in general regarding Spiritism. What should the Coordinator of the spiritist centre be doing in order to welcome those who are arriving at their institutions? 

The spiritist centre should welcome those who come to it looking for the light of Spiritism. The leader should also make efforts to humanise the relationships of those who are involved on it. The institution is not only made of the building, but of people. Its spiritual assistance  has been defined by Kardec at The Mediums' Book. I believe it’s important to remember the programme proposed by Saint Louis at the Spiritist Society of Paris, which has been described at the Spiritist Review in December 1860: understanding and love. This means let us understand everything regarding the Spiritist Doctrine and, among spiritists, let us embrace Christian love and reciprocity. 

O Consolador: How do you see the challenges faced by society regarding the apparent lost of spiritual values for the search of material security?

We are living days in which most of our fellow creatures go to churches and other religious institutions seaching for a quick fix. There are rare exceptions, but most of us look for imediate satisfaction, based on the materialistic view that surrounds us all. These individuals, even though connected to some sort of religion, are still following this world of fantasy that has been around for centuries. Spiritism is providing us with hopes for new times to come. Inner reformation through the light of Spiritism follows Jesus’s teachings. We, spiritists, should present an ethical conduct in accordance with the moral values we have embraced. Our contribution, for little as it seems to be, is able to change the reality that surrounds is. In a world that is so needy for Jesus and his lessons like ours, the change will come through the application of his teachings on a daily basis. 

O Consolador: As a Teacher, how do you evaluate the contribution the spiritist doctrine gives to the world?

As a Teacher, I can relate to its educational potential, which can transform those who search for spirituality. Spiritism is life in our lifes, and invites us to be aware of our individual moral progresson. It motivates us to get to know ourselves and learn to overcome inferior desires our soul is still searching for. It’s through the moral education proposed by  Allan Kardec that we will find ways to overcome selfishness, and change our conducts in public and privacy. The spiritist family should establish educational practices that will help individuals to heal from selfishness. We need to remember, as Allan Kardec stated, parents are the first “doctors of the soulss” for those they now call to be their sons. This is a sublime mission that is related to address them to God. It is related to the need to help these spirits to achieve spiritual success at the present reincarnation. 

O Consolador: How important is it for spiritist workers to take part of social assistance activities? 

It is an unique experience to put in practice the concepts studied. It leads us to exercise fraternity with those involved. We need to make a pact with ourselves to work on a Christian attitude to solidarity. Besides that social projects, spiritists or not, are great opportunities for us to attend Jesus’ invitation to be The Salt of the Earth. He wanted us to do work spreading goodness around, expanding justice and pease in the world, which is what he always aimed for. In summary, to help the human regeneration process, which is what Spiritism is destined to collaborate with. 

O Consolador: What has your experience as a spiritist worker helped you to see?

My main experience involved interacting with people with different points of view, and realising we all have great antecessors who came before us and left a beautiful path ahead. Some are anonymous in our field, but have managed to invite us to serve and follow Jesus. I have also learned, due to the responsability I have assumed, I need to study at all times. I feel the need to become more and more familiar with Allan Kardec’s thinking. Bezerra de Menezes said through Chico Xavier we should all live Kardec at different times so that we can understand better and profoundly the Master in us all.

O Consolador: Can you please give us your final words?

I would like to thank the online magazine O Consolador for the opportunity to share experiences and philosophical perspectives of Spiritism. I ask our dear Master and Friend Jesus to help us all not to forget the work we have compromised to do. 



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