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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 4 - N° 173 – August 29, 2010

Carolina von Scharten - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com


Feel it yourself


It was a beautiful hot and pleasant day.

Mariana was walking towards her school, feeling quite happy. She was a seven year old child who had everything she wished for in life.

On the previous day her mom bought her a beautiful wooven jacket; the one she saw at a clothes shop and fell in love with. Winter was getting closer and Mariana was getting ready for it. She was waiting anxiously for it to come so she could show off her new jacket. 

She wasn’t walking for too long until she saw a girl that looked like to be around her age. She saw her sometime

before, walking the opposite direction. She probably lived close by, since she always saw this girl standing at the bus stop when Mariana was coming back from schoo. She must have been waiting for the bus at that time. She was always dressing simple and clean clothes. She had a pleasant face to look at.

During that time, Mariana was so focused on her classes she didn’t realise the weather changed. There were dark clouds in the sky; the sun was hidden behind them. The rain came down finally after a long dry period. 

The school continued its activities keeping the windows closed and switching on the lights. At the end of the school day, the students felt the temperature difference. The rain stopped, but it was quite cold outside. 

Mariana started to walk fast. She never felt so much cold in her life. Thank God her house was near her school. She then passed by the bus stop. She saw the other little girl. On that day, she felt connected to her. She was dressed quite simply as usual. The girl must feel quite cold, just like her. 

She then realised the girl was never warmly dressed, even in the colder days! She got closer to her and said, in a bad-mood: 

— It’s so cold, isn’t it?

The girl looked at her full of confidence and said:

— Dont’ worry. It will soon pass. 

This moment stayed with Mariana for a long time. She felt in such a bad mood because she was feeling cold, whereas the other girl felt resignation; acceptance. Mariana got home and, after lunch, commented to her mom: 

— Mom, I always see a girl at the bus stop who doesn’t have warm clothes. As I got a new jacket now, can I give my older one to her? I learned with Jesus we should do to others what we would like to be done to us. The little girl looks quite cold!

— Of course, my daughter. You are right. I am happy to see you care for others. Where does she live? How is she called? Let’s take it to her today!

— I don’t know much about her, mom.

— Well, that’s ok. You can take it to her tomorrow then. 

On the following day, Mariana placed the jacket inside a bag and left for school. On her way back, she met the girl at the same bus stop. She then walked towards her and said:

— It’s so good to see you! I got a present for you.  

The girl looked at Mariana quite surprised. She even more astonished to see what was inside the bag. 

— Is this for me? Are you sure you want to give this jacket away? It’s so beautiful! Thank you! I don’t even know how to thank you. I never had a jacket like this. Actually, I don’t have a warm jacket. Jesus was the one

who sent you!  

They hugged each other, exchanged addresses and information. They became good friends. Mariana felt really happy for being able to help someone. She also gained a new friend with her gesture.      

                                                                  Aunt Celia


O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism