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Methodical Study of the Pentateuch Kardecian   Portuguese  Spanish

Ano 5 - N° 219 - July 24, 2011

Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The Spirit’s Book

Allan Kardec 

(Part 11) 

We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.

The answers to the questions presented, founded in the 2th edition published by FEB, based on translation of Anna Blackwell, are at the end of the text below.

Questions for discussion

A. The spirit that animated the body of a man can liven up a woman in a future existence?

B. Reincarnation strengthens or destroys family ties?

C. Parents transmit to their children, besides the physical resemblance, a similar moral?

D. How children understand the existence of evil?

E. And what about the extraordinary powers that many people have certain knowledge, have not studied them in this lifetime?

Text for reading

119. The succession of physical existences bonds established between the spirits that go back to previous lives, this is taking place, often the causes of sympathy between us and some spirits that seem strange. (L.E., 204) 

120. The doctrine of reincarnation does not destroy the bonds of family. It extends them by showing us that the ties that unite the members of one family, based on past affections, are less precarious. (L.E., 205) 

121. Spirits are often attracted to this or that family because of sympathy or previous connections. (L.E., 206) 

122. The Spirit of the Father's mission is to develop the souls of children through education: this is a task for him, and if it fails, will be guilty. (L.E., 208) 

123. A bad spirit can ask good parents, in the hope that their advice on a path to drive the best, and often God answers. (L.E., 209) 

124. Parents can improve the spirit of the child and that gave birth to them, that's your duty. Children are a testament to bad parents. (L.E., 210) 

125. With death, the body is destroyed and the new body has nothing to do with the old. However, the reincarnated spirit is reflected in the body, which is shaped by the qualities of the spirit, which gives it a certain character, especially in the face, being sure to say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. (L.E., 217) 

126. And so, in a more humble wrap, you can find the expression of the greatness and dignity, while in the habit of the great lord find themselves sometimes to the baseness and ignominy. (L.E., 217) 

127. Some intellectual faculties, with the change of bodies, may be lost, provided that you have dishonored the college, using it badly. A college, for example a love for music can stay dormant in a lifetime, because the Spirit wants to exert one that does not relate to her. In this case, it remains dormant, only to reappear later. (L.E., 220) 

128. The spiritual doctrine is as old as the world, which is why we find it everywhere, and this is a proof of its veracity. The incarnated spirit, preserving the intuition of your state of mind, has the instinctive consciousness of the invisible world, but it is often distorted by prejudice and ignorance. (L.E., 221-A) 

Answers to questions 

A. The spirit that animated the body of a man can liven up a woman in a future existence?  

Yes, they are the spirits that animate the men and women. Spirits incarnate as men or as women, because they have sex. Since they are required to progress at all, each sex, as each social position gives them trials and special duties and, therefore, an opportunity to gain experience. Only as one who incarnated man only know what men know. (The Spirit's Book -questions 201, 200 and 202.)

B. Reincarnation strengthens or destroys family ties? 

She stretches, not destroy. Funding is the relationship affections in earlier, less precarious are the links between members of one family. This doctrine extends the duties of brotherhood, because in your neighbor, or your servant, you may find is a Spirit who has been imprisoned by the ties of consanguinity. (Ibid., questions 205 and 206.) 

C. Parents transmit to their children, besides the physical resemblance, a similar moral?  

No, because different are the souls or spirits of one and all. The body derives from the body, but not of the Holy Spirit. Among the descendants of the races just for inbreeding. The moral similarities that usually exist between parents and children from the fact that both are friendly spirits, which are mutually attracted by the analogy of the slopes. (Ibid., 207 questions, 207-A, 208, 209 and 203.)

D. How understanding the existence of evil children?  

It is not uncommon for a bad piece Spirit to be given good parents, in the hope that his advice for the best path forward and many times God gives you what you want. The role of parents is to improve the spirit of the son born to them and they are entrusted. The bad children are a testament to their parents. (Ibid., 209 and 210 questions.)

E. And what about the extraordinary powers that many people have certain knowledge, have not studied them in this lifetime?  

Lembrança do passado; progresso anterior da alma, mas de que ela não tem consciência. Donde queres que venham tais conhecimentos? O corpo muda, o Espírito, porém, não muda, embora troque de roupagem. (Obra citada, questões 219, 218, 218-A, 218-B e 220.)


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