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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 6 - N° 285 – November 4, 2012

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


Jesus' Return


Like so many people, Leah and her son left their home town and travelled to Jerusalem, due to the celebrations of Easter, where they stayed in the home of relatives who received them with satisfaction.

The next day, according to the information that ran from mouth to mouth, the Prophet would approach the city and a jostling crowd awaited him. It was a day of many joys. Little Joshua was walking with his mother through the streets of Jerusalem headed to the place where the Prophet would pass.

Before long, they heard the clamour of those who accompanied him. So it was with great excitement that Joshua saw Jesus riding on a donkey and surrounded by the crowd that waved branches over their heads as a sign of joy, saying words of praise.

- Look, Joshua! The Messiah awaited by our people for centuries

is coming victoriously to Jerusalem. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hosannas to the Lord! - screamed the mother, happy.

And Joshua repeated her words, with his little heart full of love: - Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ...

A few days later while shopping in the market, Leah heard that the Prophet had been arrested the night before by Roman soldiers. He had been tried and sentenced to death on the cross.

So, desperate, Leah went to the streets seeking more news. She found a huge crowd that had gathered to see the Prophet pass bearing his cross.

Bringing her child, Leah followed Him through the streets, crying and suffering to see the state of the beloved Master. Joshua, with his little legs, exhausted by walking, stumbling on the stones of the street, would fall and get up, also crying with pain for that man who was so good but who now was all hurt by the thorns of the crown that was put on His head.

Jesus was crucified with two thieves, standing almost alone. His friends, all those who accompanied Him, with rare exceptions, had fled in terror, leaving him alone.

Leah and her son remained there with the crowd, watching everything happen helplessly. In His final moments, Jesus raised his eyes to the sky and said:

- Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

Those words were etched in Joshua's mind and heart. Despite being a child, he realized the greatness of that Man who, despite being imprisoned, tortured and crucified, forgave His executioners, those who had caused Him so much suffering.

Leah and her son left the scene only when a big storm announced itself, turning day into night.

Returning home, Leah did nothing but cry. Joshua never left her side, understanding her suffering, which he also felt.

Thus a week passed. One day, they heard an uproar in the street. People passed by, happy and shouting:

- Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ... The Messiah did not die! Hosannas to the Lord! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ...

Everyone went out to the streets to see what was happening. Leah asked a passing man what was happening.

- Ah! We are celebrating the return of the Messiah! Jesus did not die! He's alive! ...

Perplexed, Leah asked again:

- Explain it better, good man. It cannot be! I witnessed  His  death on the cross! ...

- Believe me, lady. The entire city of Jerusalem already knows. Jesus did not die. He was seen by Mary Magdalene at the tomb; then, when she went to give the message that He had given her to the others who were hiding in a house in fear of being arrested, no one believed her. However, the Master appeared to them, talked and ate with them, filling them with joy.

And already moving away, after giving so important news, he kept shouting:

- Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Jesus was dead and is alive again! He's alive! Hosanna! Hosanna! ...

A great joy involved everyone. Leah hugged her son Joshua, filled with happiness.

- So, all that Jesus said was true. He preached the immortality of the soul! There is no death! We all continue to live eternally.

In possession of such extraordinary news, Leah decided to return as soon as possible to her home town. Her family wanted her to stay, but Leah said:

- I cannot. I need to take the news of the return of Jesus to our people. Our friends must be suffering greatly. I must bring them such joy!

So, saying goodbye to her family and friends, she returned to her home town, bringing the good news.

All were elated to learn that the Master was alive.

And Leah, seeing their reaction and how much it meant to her friends, decided to take the news to other nearby locations, where surely many people would be suffering.

Happily, Joshua accompanied his mother, becoming a valuable companion.

Some years later, after the death of Leah, Joshua himself would take the gospel to other places, helping people, aiding them in their difficulties and enlightening them with the teachings of His beloved Master Jesus.


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 15/10/2012.)




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