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Methodical Study of the Pentateuch Kardecian   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 6 - N° 298 – February 10, 2013

Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The Gospel According to Spiritism

Allan Kardec 

(Part 4)

We continue with the methodical study of "The Gospel According to Spiritism" by Allan Kardec, the third of the works that make up the Pentateuch Kardecian, whose first edition was published in 1864. The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below. 


A. Jesus changed profoundly, the laws of Moses. According to Kardec, is that he came to teach humanity?

B. That resulted from the indisputable authority of Jesus?

C. What is Spiritism?

D. Kardec says the Spiritism is the Third Revelation of God's law. What is your relationship with Christianity and who presides over its development on Earth?

Text for reading 

40. Jesus was not a mere moralist legislator. It was up to him to fulfill the prophecies that announced the advent him. He came to teach men that true life is not what takes place on Earth, but that is lived in the kingdom of heaven. And also came to teach the path that leads to the kingdom, the means for them to reconcile with God and feel such pressure means the march of things to come for the realization of human destinies. (Chapter I, item 4)

41. But Jesus did not say anything, merely with respect to many points to lay the germ of truth which he himself declared, could not yet be understood. He spoke of everything but in terms more or less implicit, because to be apprehended the hidden meaning of some of his words, was made necessary that new ideas and new knowledge they bring the key essential ideas that could not arise before the spirit human had reached a degree of maturity. (Chapter I, item 4)

42. Spiritism is a new science that comes to reveal to men, by irrefutable evidence, the existence and nature of the spiritual world and its relations with the world body. (Chapter I, item 5)

43. The Old Testament law of Moses had its personification, the New Testament has it in Christ. Spiritism is the third revelation of God's law, but it has to impersonate him no individuality, because it is the fruit of the teaching given, not by man, but by spirits, at all points of the Earth, with the assistance of a crowd innumerable intermediaries. (Chapter I, item 6)

44. Just as Christ said: "Do not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it," Spiritism also says: "Do not come to destroy the law Christian, but execute it." Nothing teaches contrary to what Christ taught, but develops, completes and explains in clear terms and to everyone, what was said just before allegorical form. He comes to fulfill, because what Christ announced and the attainment of things to come. It is therefore the work of Christ, who presides as also announced that the regeneration operates and prepares the kingdom of God on earth. (Chapter I, item 7)

45. Science and Religion are the two levers of human intelligence: one reveals the laws of the material world and one of the moral world. Having, however, these laws the same principle, that is God can not contradict himself. If they were the negation of one another, one necessarily would be in error and the other with the truth, because God can not claim the destruction of his own work. (Chapter I, item 8)

46. Arrivals are the times when the teachings of Christ must be completed, in which the veil intentionally thrown on some parts of this teaching has to be lifted up in that science, no longer exclusively materialistic, must take into account the spiritual element and that religion, leaving ignore the immutable laws and organic matter, as two forces that are leaning on each other and marching combined provide will be mutual contest. So no more discredited by Science, Religion unwavering acquire power, because it will be in accordance with reason, because if you can no longer resist the irresistible logic of the facts. (Chapter I, item 8)

47. Are easy to predict the consequences of this alliance: will lead to the inevitable social changes, which have no strength to oppose, because they are in God's plan and derive the law of progress, which is the law of God. (Chapter I, item 8)

48. God is unique and Moses is the Spirit that He sent on a mission to make it known not only of the Jews but also the Gentiles. The commandments of God, given by Moses, contain the germ of the wider Christian morality. (Chapter I, Section 9, an Israeli Spirit)

49. The moral was that Moses taught the proper state of play in which they were people he proposed regenerate, and these people, semisselvagens as the improvement of the soul, would not have understood that they could worship God otherwise than through by burnt offerings, nor who should forgive an enemy. (Chapter I, Section 9, an Israeli Spirit)

50. The Christ was the initiator of the purest, the most sublime morality, moral Evangelical Christian, there to renew the world, bring men and make them brothers, making the earth abode of spirits superior to that today inhabit. And the Spiritism is the lever that God uses to advance Humanity. (Chapter I, Section 9, an Israeli Spirit) 

Answers to questions

A. Jesus changed profoundly, the laws of Moses. According to Kardec, is that he came to teach humanity?  

Jesus came to teach men that true life is not what takes place on Earth, but that is lived in the kingdom of heaven has come to teach them the path that leads to the kingdom, the means for them to reconcile with God and they sense these means in the march of things to come for the realization of human destinies. (The Gospel According to Spiritism, Chapter I, items 3 and 4.)

B. That resulted from the indisputable authority of Jesus?  

The authority of Jesus arose from the exceptional nature of his Spirit and his divine mission. (Ibid., Chapter I, item 4). 

C. What is Spiritism?  

Spiritism is a new science that comes to reveal to men, by irrefutable evidence, the existence and nature of the spiritual world and its relations with the world body. (Ibid., Chapter I, sections 5 and 6.)

D. Kardec says the Spiritism is the Third Revelation of God's law. What is your relationship with Christianity and who presides over its development on Earth?  

Just as Christ said: "Do not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it", the Spiritism allso says: "Do not come to destroy the law Christian, but execute it." Nothing teaches contrary to what Christ taught, but develops, completes and explains in clear terms and to everyone, what was said only in allegorical form. Come meet, in the time predicted, what Christ announced and the attainment of things to come. It is therefore the work of Christ, who presides as also announced that the regeneration operates and prepares the kingdom of God on earth. (Ibid., Chapter I, items 5-7.)



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