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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 7 - N° 350 – February 16, 2014

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


Overcoming Limitations


Clara was very sad and distraught: she had contracted measles and had to stay in bed for a few days.

Benedicta, the cleaning helper of the household, entered the room carrying a tray with a snack and the medicine that Clara would have to take. Annoyed, the girl complained:

- Again with this horrible medicine, Bene...?

- It's necessary, Clara. You have a fever.

The girl pouted, crossed her arms and wondered:

- Why am I the only one who is sick? I want to go to school, like my classmates! I can't stand to have to stay in

this bed doing nothing, Bene!...  

Full of patience, the kind woman sat at the edge of the bed with the tray in her lap and sighed saying:

- Ah, Clara! You are complaining needlessly! There are people in a much worse condition than yours!...

- So you think it's easy to lie on this bed, unable to go outside to play, ride my bike, go out with my friends?

The kind lady opened a sad smile on her face and replied:

- Soon you will be able do all that, Clara. But alas, my son will not...

- And why not? - the girl asked, surprised.

- Johnny was born with a defect in his legs and can't walk. He lies there studying, reading, or goes on his wheelchair.

- Poor him, Bene! He must be a very sad boy!

The maid smiled and answered:

- Nope, Clara! He is a very good-humored, good-willing, cheerful guy and does a lot of things to help people like him. I thank God for that.

The girl did not believe in Benedicta's words and resolved:

- As soon as I am able, I will pay your son a visit, Bene. May I?

- Of course! Johnny will love it!

A few days later, fully recovered and remembering the promise, Clara went with Bene to her home.
She loved the garden full of flowers and the simple but clean and well maintained house.

- Who takes care of your home, Bene?

At that moment, a boy entered the room in a wheelchair. His broad smile and big bright eyes enchanted her.

- Hello, Clara! I am pleased with your visit. I really wanted to meet you. Mom talks a lot about you! Would you like to help me take care of our plants?

Clara accepted it a bit contradicted because she did not want to work; she wanted to play with him.

- Could you take me to the garden? - he asked, smiling.

The girl understood. He could not go alone, of course. She grabbed the handles of the wheelchair and took him outside, trying not to bump into everything she saw ahead. In the garden, with ease, Johnny slipped off the chair and crawled up close to the plants talking to her and explaining about each species.

- You know, Clara, plants are like people, they need care: it's important to loosen the soil, remove the dried leaves, prune them if necessary, and especially water in the right amount. I appreciate every day the blessing of being able to take care of the plants and watch them grow. And I would not have overcome my limitations without the help of God.

Clara was astonished and asked how he had learned so much about plants.

- It was necessary, Clara. When I found out I could not walk, I was very sad. My mother told me that I would only be prevented from "walking", but could do a lot of other things, then she added: “My son, your limit is in you. Discover what you can do, and do it! God will help you!”

He smiled at Clara and, shrugging, said:

- Then, I started discovering and overcoming my limitations. Today I do everything! I asked you to push the wheelchair but I can make it move by pushing the wheels with my hands. Actually, I wanted you to feel useful. I feel useful! I help my mother to clean the house, wash the dishes and do the laundry. I just can't hang them on the clothesline because I can't reach it. When my mom is not home, I even prepare my own food!

Clara felt ashamed. That boy, who could not walk, did more than her, who had complained so much of staying in bed for a few days!

The girl looked at him full of admiration and asked:

- Johnny, would you teach me how to care for the plants in my house?

- Of course! I will be very pleased to be able to help you!

They had a tasty snack, then the girl said goodbye to him with sadness. A great admiration and affection for Johnny had been born in her heart.

As she returned home, Clara felt euphoric, and told her mother what a clever boy Johnny was. Then she added:

- Mom, like Johnny, I want to change! Johnny will come to teach me to take care of the garden, isn't it great? When you see him in a wheelchair, you would not believe everything he is capable of doing!

- Really, dear?

- Yes, Mom. With Johnny, I learned that we only have the limits we set for our lives. And God helps us whenever we need!

Benedicta smiled happy and proud to see the change in Clara.

Moved, the mother hugged her daughter certain that important changes had taken place that day inside Clara, who was usually rebellious and lazy. And looking up to the High Spheres, she thanked God for the blessings of that day.




(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 27/01/2014.)



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