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Year 9 - N° 409 - April 12, 2015

São Paulo, SP (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Anselmo Ferreira Vasconcelos

Spiritual health: an approach based on Spiritist teachings

Modern life requires increased attention and health care. After all, our bodies, minds and emotions are exposed to stinging individual and collective experiences, which are certainly necessary to our inner development. In this sense, significant advances in medicine and preservation of human health are very imported. In other words, when we refer to many subjects we go from mere speculation to scientific absolutes duly supported by reliable studies. Thus, for example, we already know enough about the diseases originated from the over intake of salt, sugar, fat, alcohol, tobacco and sedentary lifestyles. Faced with such a volume of knowledge, it is up to people now to simply change their habits incorporating new information and/or scientific conclusions.

Otherwise, we unnecessarily compromise our lives through numerous diseases, which have already been sufficiently scanned. It should also be remembered that the concept of modern health is multifaceted, especially when you incorporate other related concepts. Herein we are particularly interested in addressing the concept of the spiritual health in light of the teachings and messages brought to us by the Spirits. While there is some scientific difficulty with regard to identifying, defining and measuring spiritual health, what prevails, however, is the general understanding that it is something that connects multiple and different dimensions, but with no consensus as to how it operates. 1,2,3   

Health is based on the "perfect harmony of the soul" 

Spiritism, in turn, presents us with important warnings and recommendations on the subject, although we have not yet found in literature a reference or quote specifically transmitted by the Spirits. In general, the comments and considerations of the Spirits are focused on health in general, however, with serious and unquestionable implications and consequences for our spiritual health. All this deserves a deep reflection on our part.

As well noted by the Spirit Joanna de Angelis: "Human being is fated to fullness, and the process of his enlightenment is necessary, and it is his duty to rely on ethical and moral principles that provide inner harmony and emotional well-being".4 In other words, Spiritism firmly calls us to meet the needs of the Spirit. In the same manner that our physical body needs proper care, so does our soul. Thus, for an incarnation to be successful, it is essential to achieve a significant sum of adjustments and advances in behavior through several dimensions.

According to the Spirit Emmanuel, health, in a somewhat limited vision of the earthly medicine, can be associated to the perfect balance of the material organs. But, considering a spiritual vision, health is based on the “perfect harmony of the soul”. However, in the light of today’s progress there are already more flexible theoretical concepts such as spiritual wellness. The latter, by the way, incorporates the search for the meaning and purpose in life, the growth of intrinsic values, beliefs and transcendent experiences and a sense of belonging to a spiritual community. 6 

Emotional problems are the roots of serious diseases 

Spiritual health, in turn, is seen as so relevant that to despise it would have the same effect as to deprive us from achieving improvements in our physical, social and mental health. 7 In addition, each one’s spirituality can be high or low; the same can happen to the spiritual health. 8 Several factors can influence our well-being (health) and we need to work on them. The Spirit Joanna de Angelis explains:

"The somatization of emotional problems arising from insecurity and fear, grief and hatred, bitterness and jealousy is responsible for serious organic diseases, and physical diseases, causing emotional instability and sad mental disorders". 9

This is why the Spirit Emmanuel recommends us to cultivate correct (straight) feelings and thoughts “without which the soul becomes ill due to the lack of inner balance, printing in our somatic unit madness and disorders that are their consequence".10 Similarly, the Spirit Joanna de Angelis says "to believe rightly leads to want rightly." For the mentor, one of the reasons causing the present suffering is largely originated from "[...] wanting wrongly based on the illusion of immediate and crazy pleasure, which makes us choose the needless rather than the essential [...]".11

The Spirit Miramez adds that in the earthly psycho sphere predominate an excessive amount of lower thoughts, in a frightening way. That is, thoughts of a sickly nature in abundance and which are "[...] capable of influencing two thirds of humanity towards the things from the shadows" in such a subtle way, that we often do not even suspect. 12 

Ten rules to keep our spiritual health

The great barrier to reach enlightenment is the existence of our fear, anxiety, greed, selfishness and pride, which mainly affect the population in general, as well as our leaders, government officials, scientists and researchers. 13

The Spirit Andre Luiz offers us rich and detailed suggestions we need to put into practice to keep and maintain our spiritual health: 

1. Keep our heart at peace regardless of how complex and severe is the situation that is affecting us. Remember that everything belongs to God.

2. Strictly follow the line of duty. You cannot reach physical balance if, first, you do not reach a spiritual harmony.

3. Get into the habit of praying, in order to maintain our body and soul guarded.

4. Occupy our time by carrying out useful tasks, but remember that you also need to rest. Empty minds are more open to suggestions made by the darkness.

5. Always study. Good ideas feed the soul and positively influence your cells.

6. Avoid emotional instability especially do not allow anger and rage to take over.

7. Put a stop to the gossiping habit.

8. Practice deep breathing. Make of bathing a daily habit. Pure air nourishes you and to be clean is a must.

9. Eat small amounts of food. Overeating only harms us.

10. Always be patient and forgive. After all, God does this with us. 14 

A compassionate and tolerant behavior brings us closer to God 

The Spirits’ suggestions are extremely wise and important for us to develop the necessary resources to keep our spiritual health and have a successful career. Basically, this review allowed us to see that they have a holistic approach, since they cover things of transcendental, intellectual, behavioral, emotional, and even physical nature.

Briefly, man needs to always aim for the ethical and moral perspective in his decisions and actions, as they give him inner peace and harmony. Similarly, the constant development of righteous (right) thoughts and keeping an eye on our emotions, prevent us from suffering the moral falls. The compassionate and tolerant conduct brings us closer to God. After all, how many people in this world strongly fail because they neglect the basic rules?

Millions of human beings have become slaves of harmful addictions (including food), which are gradually ruining their bodies, damaging their minds beyond repair, compromising their future in the present and future lives. On the other hand, it is shocking the lack of commitment in search for good readings that enable souls to higher flights of intellect and soul. The number of recreations and the obsession with the use of smartphones, video games and social networks exhausts our precious time. Therefore, to establish high goals and to motivate ourselves shows the maturity of our soul.

The human creature cannot open hand of living close to nature even if occasionally to meditate and recover his energy. The benefits of prayer give him the necessary support and inspiration to continue the journey. Finally, the care of our spiritual health is essential to our balance and inner progress.


Bibliographical notes: 

1. VADER, J.-P. Spiritual health: the next frontier. European Journal of Public Health, vol. 16, no. 5, page 457, 2006.

2. Vazin, D. (2013). Spirituality and health: Implications for policy and practice. Doctoral dissertation, University of La Verne, 2013, p. IV.

3. WESTGATE, C.E. Spiritual wellness and depression. Journal of Counseling and Development, vol. 75, no. 1, 1996, page 27.

4. FRANCO, D.P. (By the Spirit Joanna de Angelis). Renewed attitudes. Salvador: Publisher Livraria Espirita Alvorada, 2009, page 11.

5. XAVIER, F.C. (By the Spirit Emmanuel). O Consolador (The Comforter), 7th edition. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1977, page 66.

6. For example, WESTGATE, C.E. Spiritual wellness and depression. Journal of Counseling and Development, vol. 75, no. 1, pages 26 to 35, 1996; PANDEY, A., GUPTA; R. K.; ARORA, A. P. Spiritual climate of business organizations and its impact on customers' experience. Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 88 no. 2, pages 313 to 332, 2008; SWARBRICK, M. A wellness approach. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, v. 29, no. 4, pages 311 to 314, 2006.

7. VADER, J.-P. Spiritual health: the next frontier. European Journal of Public Health, vol. 16, no. 5, p. 457, 2006.

8. Fisher, JW Understanding and Assessing spiritual health. In: Marian de Souza, Leslie J. Francis, James O'Higgins-Norman, Daniel G. Scott (eds), International handbook of education for spirituality, care and well-being (International handbooks of religion and Education), Vol. 3. Springer Science + Business Media BV, pages 69 to 88, 2009.

9. FRANCO, DP (By the Spirit Joanna de Angelis). Fullness. Niteroi: Arts & Culture, 1991, page 50.

10. XAVIER, F.C. (By the Spirit Emmanuel). Thought and life. 4th edition. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1975, page 78.

11. FRANCO, D. P. (By the Spirit Joanna de Angelis). Fullness. Niteroi: Arts & Culture, 1991, page 80.

12. MAIA, J. N. (By the Spirit Miramez). Health. 16th Edition. Belo Horizonte. Publisher: Editora Espirita Fonte Viva, 2010, page 45.

13. NEVES, M. Our time on the planet. In: Durgante, C.E.A. and AGUIAR, P.R.D.C. (Org.). Connecting Science, Health and Spirituality. Vol 2. Porto Alegre: Francisco Spinelli, 2014, page 115.

14. XAVIER, F.C. (By the Spirit Andre Luiz). Lessons of Life. Chapter 12 - Health Approach. London: Ideal, 1981, pages 44 to 46.


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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism