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Year 3 - N° 145 – February 14, 2010
Santo Ângelo, Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil)
Fernanda Trebien / ftrebien@hotmail.com

João Paulo Bittencourt Cardozo:

“The evil prevails on Earth because the good people are failing to fill this gap”

The prosecutor John Paul Bittencourt Cardozo (picture) is 34 years old and lives in Sarandi (RS). In this interview he speaks about some of his experiences in search of a better world and call upon us to join efforts in pursuit of this ideal through spirit of action. 

O Consolador: How did you become a Spiritist? 

I got interested because I have an aunt who follows the Spiritist doctrine for a long time, and at a certain stage I started going to a Spiritist centre. 

O Consolador: What are your activities in the Spiritist Centre? 

In with regards to Joanna de Ângelis Spiritist Society in Sarandi (RS), which is a small Spiritist centre that has only a few members; everybody performs several tasks. Further than being the president I also go to the lectures and engage to the mediumistic sessions, spiritual healing, Spiritist counselling and study group activities. 

O Consolador: And in with regards to the Spiritist movement? 

I am a member of the Law-Spiritist Association of São Paulo (AJE-SP). I have written articles for “The Reincarnation” magazine, published by FERGS, for the Law-Spiritist Association of Rio Grande do Sul - AJERS and for the spiritist centre Auxilio Fraternidade, based in Ijuí (RS). I also contribute with some office work for the União Municipal Espírita de Carazinho (RS) and I am the 1st Vice-President of the Law- Spiritist Association of Rio Grande do Sul. 

O Consolador: How is it to combine the activities you have in your important role in the public prosecution service with the tasks of a Spiritist worker? 

The main challenge is to look at each issue in the light of a Christian perspective. To take into consideration the personal drama that exists behind each process and make a constructive and positive comment, even if the problem cannot be solved as expected.

The biggest frustration is not have enough time to supply the demand, as we know how much there is to be done. I believe this is encourages us to work as hard and efficiently as possible. God help us all to achieve that! 

O Consolador: Is there any special experience you would like to share?

I had two cases where woman pregnant with an anencephalic fetus wanted to abort. The fact that I know the importance of preservation of life and how important were those pregnancies for reincarnating spirits has enlightened me to find the correct solution for these cases. 

O Consolador: What do you think about Spiritist workers who are involved in the public sector?   

It is essential. In the Spirit’s Book we have been already warned by the spirituality that the evil prevails on Earth because the good people are failing to fill this gap. Each Spiritist person can be counted amongst the good ones, even though they have to overcome their defects and work to improve as human beings. Their contribution is essential to improve our public institutions as many of them are discredited at the present time. 

O Consolador: What is your motivation to work with drug addiction related issues? 

Through my work experience I have acknowledged the drug addiction problem and how devastating it can be to the families and relatives, this is my main motivation.

Sometimes we feel frustrated by the slow pace of the results, including the creation of public facilities that we know are essential to prevent, treat and repress drug addiction, but we must be strong and keep going. 

O Consolador: How important is the support provided by the Spiritist Centres to the addicts and their relatives? 

Our role as Spiritist is to comfort the sufferers and the best way to do that is teaching that even the most dreadful pain is a temporary situation; however we must do our best to overcome the root cause. Therefore we must open the doors of our Spiritist Centres and offer help to addicts and their relatives, exposing them to the Spiritist Doctrine, providing spiritual treatment and supporting their families. However this is not our only task. In our society there already are organisations and groups also fighting drug addiction, our isolated actions are not as effective as joint efforts. We need to research and acknowledge the existing structure and join it, creating a big network. This way we will be able to tackle all sides of the problem and consequently help addicts and their relatives more effectively. 

O Consolador: How is it for you to deal with the challenges brought by crack addicts, where there is a total lack of self control?  

Everybody working with crack addicts tends to be frustrated. We would like to have facilities that could provide a more effective treatment, however they do not exist. Scientific research have shown that the recovery of a person addicted to cocaine or its sub products, including crack, tends to be a succession of ups and downs with recovery and relapses, a process that can take up to several years. I always try to put this problem into the spirit’s immortality perspective, who will be always able to recover, no matter how long it takes. We must invest in the human being, no matter how degrading their current situation is. Besides increasing the law enforcement against drug dealers, as a severe penal law is still necessary for the mankind at this stage, we aim to prevent the use of crack by working in partnership with schools and families to establish creative campaigns to prevent substance abuse before it happens. 

O Consolador: Are the Spiritist centres prepared to work as school of souls? 

The situation varies, there are institutions that have successfully being schools of souls, and however there are others that did not achieve the same results due to several reasons. That is why it is so important to embrace and integrate the Spiritist federation, as this institution can convey the successful experiences to everybody, so they can be repeated everywhere. 

O Consolador: How do you see the current phase of Spiritist dissemination? 

I think we are using our communication resources more effectively in order to disseminate the Spiritist Doctrine. The actions taken in the last four years by the Department of Communication of the Spiritist Federation of Rio Grande do Sul are a great example.

Besides the improvement done to their website where they have implemented a web TV, they have also facilitated the Spiritist centres to establish a stronger link with their local communities, helping them to disseminate the Spiritist doctrine. 

O Consolador: How do you perceive the challenge of criminality? 

The criminality level has increased due to the society’s individualist and consumerist behaviour. We allow these artificial moral values into our homes as soon as we switch on the TV and tune into a channel indiscriminately.

Some nations seem to have replaced public policies, which could emancipate its most impoverished people, by prison incarceration. Thus we should not dispense the criminal law as it is still needed, but our society should focus on renewing its moral values stressing the importance of being at the expense of having as well as to invest in public policies that can help marginalized people to become citizens.

O Consolador: As the public interest in the Spiritist doctrine is increasing, which actions should the Spiritist centre coordinators take to prepare the Spiritist centres to better serve the new comers? 

I believe that all Spiritist workers should be aware of their responsibilities and do their best to welcome everybody that comes to the Spiritist centre. It means having the receptiveness posture that is expected by the public, as we should work as instruments of the Spiritist Doctrine to comfort people. To be sensitive enough to perceive what could be the person’s problem and to refer them to the best service department, this will better suffice their expectations. In a small institution such as the one I work for, we all coordinate and are coordinated at the same time. Thus, we must help each other constantly to pay attention to our work routines as well as to self reflect and improve ourselves, overcoming any material obstacles that may arise. 

O Consolador: How important is for a Spiritist worker to guide their conduct by the divine and human laws? 

The Spiritist Doctrine shows us that the human laws are a reflection of an era, and they are as imperfect as the humanity that creates them. On the other hand the divine laws are, as its Creator, perfect and immutable. We shall obey to the human law according to the Federal Constitution of the country; this is something that we must abide as citizens of a democratic state. Interestingly, judging by how evolved we are as a nation – we are governed by a modern constitution that includes all human rights that the twentieth century laid down as achievements - is that if we could treat others in the same way we would like to be treated, as stated the Law of Justice, Love and Charity, of course we would naturally respect the rights of all people. To do so, we should not only stop any practice that could harm others, but essentially to make them grow as human beings. And we should do so simply because they are our fellow citizens. 

O Consolador: How can the Spiritist Doctrine contribute to build a fairer society? 

I think that the previous answer explains it: making the most perfect concept of justice clearer – treat others in the same way you would like to be treated, including thoughts, words and actions -, the Spiritist Doctrine leads us to develop our law and to apply it in a way that we can help marginalized people to take their seat in a society of equals before God and people. 

O Consolador: Your final words. 

Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this space which is so valuable for the Spiritist dissemination, we hope that this channel can continue, through its forthcoming editions, it’s trajectory of enlightening souls and comforting hearts through the spread of knowledge.


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