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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 7 - N° 330 – September 22, 2013

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The Poison of Anger


Upon completing eight years of age, Louie was presented by his father with a beautiful bike. Happy, he went for a ride down the street on his brand new bicycle to make his friends jealous.

Their admired faces filled him with satisfaction. One of them asked:

- Louie, will you let me go for a little ride on your bike?

- No. It is mine. I just got it. You might fall and scratch it.

Disappointed, his friend walked away hanging his head. Hearing that, the other boys also moved away to play elsewhere, leaving him alone.

Louie did not bother, thinking that his friends were just jealous of him. So he went out on his ride felling happy and displaying the new bike. As it was a beautiful day of sunshine, he felt thirsty and stopped at a fountain to drink water.

Then a boy who was his classmate, decided to play a prank on him. As he bent over to drink from the fountain's tap with his hands, his classmate took the bike and pedalled away fast.

Louie turned around, wiping his wet face with his hands, and surprise: The new bike was gone! ...

- Someone stole my new bike! Help! Help! - he began to scream, and started running around to try to find his bike. But not even its shadow.

When passing by a place without houses, full of trees, and with some land to its right side of the street that leaned towards a small creek, he saw a boy climbing the grass, dirty and wet, bringing a dirty and bent bike.

- Caius! What happened? - but suddenly, having a better look, he yelled: - It's my new bike! All dirty and bent! You stole my bike!

- No, Louie, I just wanted to prank you. I saw you drinking water and grabbed the bike just to give you a scare. But I lost control and left the road, falling into the creek. I did not want to steal it, just prank you. After all, we're friends! - explained the boy, looking pale and very embarrassed.

- I will not forgive what you did! And we're not friends anymore. You will pay me for this! - Louie screamed in anger, taking the bike from the boy's hands.

Very sad, Caius started crying and ran home.

Louie returned home dragging the bike. Upon entering the house, tired and very angry, he told his

father what had happened. The father looked at the bike and said:

- My son, it is not broken, just bent. And the paint is not even scratched - and as he spoke, with great ability, his father made it straight again. - See, Louie? Your bike is still new and beautiful!

The boy thanked his father but continued full of anger. He could not even think of Caius without feeling like hitting him.

With each passing day, Louie got worse. He was constantly irritated, angry, grumpy, moody, and was not eating right. Some days later, he felt so sick that he had to stay in bed. His worried mother could not understand what was happening to him and asked:

- Louie, what happened? You have changed completely in the last few days, son!

- Nothing happened, mom.

The father, who had entered the room, also apprehensive, heard it and wondered:

- What is going through your mind, son? Is there something bothering you and that you think of all the time?

- Yes, there is, Dad. I can only think of Caius. I'm so angry that I want to hit him!

- But why? If it is because of the bike, there was no damage at all, Louie.

- But I'm still very angry at him, Dad. If I see him, I do not know what I can do.

The parents looked at each other, realizing what was happening. Then the father said:

- Son, bitterness is very bad for us. You are poisoning yourself with these angry thoughts to the point of contaminating your body . Try to see Caius as a friend who made an unfortunate joke. Put yourself in his place: what if you had taken Caius' bike, wouldn't you like to be forgiven?

The boy thought a moment and replied:

- You're right, Dad. I'll talk to him.

Louie got much better. But, determined to put an end to the story, his father went to get Caius and brought him to their house. Seeing his friend, Louie was happy. Caius started crying and apologized once more:

- I did not do it on purpose, Louie. I wanted to prank you and got burned. I am suffering because I cannot forgive myself for that.

Seeing his friend feeling so sad, Louie 's heart softened. He lifted his head up from the pillow and smiled:

- I know it was a prank. Forget about it, Caius. And if you'd like to ride my bicycle, it's ok.

At that moment, they hugged and it was like a dark cloud came out of Louie. With forgiveness, he felt lighter and at peace. He was cured of the poison of anger.


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 29/07/2013.)


O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism